6/11/09 Great day
As an incentive we went to a camp all day it was great we did some group activities first like team ski, where me and 6 people would get on to giant skis and attempt to reach our goal. my science teacher got in front of me and we had the grab the back of each others shirts (AWKWARD >_o) it was extremely hard. then we went geo-caching (using gps's to locate set points throughout the woods) that was also fun my group won the geo-caching then we went canoeing. My friend and I were right next to somebody who tipped over. I had to laugh at them, their canoe was so low (due to water inside) I called it the lownoe or the ghettonoe either way everybody either called it one or the other and nothing else. I loved it, it was great and tomorrow is my last day in the middle school ( going to 9th grade) we're going to a park for the whole day. I'll miss the middle school, it's so great. anywhoogle I'll post again later tomorrow!