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View User's Journal

O.T.L.'s Journal
It's my journal. (Really!?) Yep. Why? Because it was something to do at the time. Don't look for meaning or real content here. I was bored, so I set up a journal. It'll be updated whenever I feel like it. (As if anyone'll actually read this...)
Which Horror Movie Villain Would Kill You?
For 31 % you are: ...the ironic victim of GODZILLA! That's right, you're going to meet your maker via a 30-foot lizard. Your intelligence, wit and quick-thinking would keep you living well into the sequels of most movies. That's why I called in the big guy to squash you. It's funny how even the smartest people squish like jelly under Godzilla's big toe. Your death would come from above. Sadly, all you would really have for a warning would be the large shadow forming over your head. Take comfort knowing that your death would be quick, messy and completely senseless.
28.14 % of 1201 Quiz participants had this profile!

Which Horror Movie Villain Would Kill You?

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