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View User's Journal

O.T.L.'s Journal
It's my journal. (Really!?) Yep. Why? Because it was something to do at the time. Don't look for meaning or real content here. I was bored, so I set up a journal. It'll be updated whenever I feel like it. (As if anyone'll actually read this...)
Which Classic Story Role Do You Play?
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You Are The Outlaw
"Sure, I'll do it. My way."

Just because you do not conform to the same laws and rules as everyone else does not mean that you are a bad guy. You travel your own path, separate from those around you, with your own reasons for doing what you do. Because of this and your own nature, it goes without saying that you are generally misunderstood. That does not matter much, though, as people love you for being who you are. You are pretty well set in your ways and have no real intention of changing. This can come across as a flicker of arrogance if you're not careful. You do what is right for you, and God help anyone who stands in your way.

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This quiz has been taken 8924 times.
19% of people had this result.

Which Classic Story Role Do You Play?

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