I was looking at my art in the art areana and I can acctually SEE my impruvment.... hmmmmmm... YAY! Lol, on Thank giving Si-fi is going to show zombies eating people. LOL! I found out I like Creed, System of a Down, My chemical romance, Averaged sevenfold, ermmmmm........ and that's all I can think about that's new that I like. 3nodding
Ya know what's sad? I don't how to edit or color..... OR WHATEVER YOU call it.... my pictures so I can only paint, schetch, color with coloring pencils...... but I'm kindof happy to because then I'm showing 100% MY art and not the computer art. I'm very proud of my Yuna picture. I can't NOT draw for a week now, I used to be able NOT to draw for 2 whole months. Now, it's like an addiction or something. 3nodding I like the fact that I'm improving. I'M NOT QUITING! MWAHAHAHAHA!! xd
Rinoga · Wed Nov 23, 2005 @ 04:09am · 2 Comments |