Vampires *Mainly talking about MOVIE vampires* |
I happen to be alittle......... obsessed with vampires. I started to be obsessed with them when I first saw them on TV...... like..... I was about...... 5 or something. And then I would always try to see as MENY as I could. I don't like the old type ones as I do the ones like... the drackula movie...... ummmmm..... I don't remember what it is called right now. Oh, and I love Underworld vampires *And I also love the werewolfs (I have horrible spelling)* but I REALY like Anne Rice vampires. Mainly because she makes them show that they also have feelings. 3nodding I'm not going to go into detail because then there probably will be like.... 3 pages FULL of stuff I thought about on vampires.
There is this one little show thingy that I watched the night before or something of Halloween. It was called "Secrets behind vampires* or something like that and they showed a man that was on my most FAVERITE show. 3nodding Mad mad house was my most FAVERITE show *and still is* but they stopped showing it, and I never saw who one. I saw ALL the episods *or close to all the episodes* and then I didn't see the LAST one. crying Oh, anyways Dawn is his name 3nodding and he was on this little show too so I was pritty happy. They showed "real" vampires or as close as you can get to real vampires in reality. Most of the vampires on this were people who needed energy from humans. *again not going to get into so much detail* One of them said "When we take the energy of someone willing to do so, it is a spiritual moment" or something like that. (Sorry if I said that ronge I'm alittle tired. But, I liked watching it, yes they aren't exactly REAL vampires, but it's as close to a real one as you can get. 3nodding (Okay, now moving on befor I get into DETAIL!!! ACK!!!)
Okay, because of the fact that I realy think vampires are neat because of all the common things that they are like cool, sexy, smart (usually), and all that other stuff, but I realy like it when they have there own story, which will create drama. 3nodding (Yeah, probably sounds like I have NO idea what I'm talking about.... it's probably true, but I'm only 15.) And so I'm mainly talking about underworld and Anne Rice movies (Queen of the damed and Interview with the vampire).... anyways GETTING INTO DETAIL AGAIN!! SORRY!!!
Also, my friends think I want to be a vampire because of the fact that I'm alittle OBSESSED! (By the way, I'm talking about MOVIE vampires, not reality vampires, mainly talking about if MOVIE vampires BECAME reality vampires) Also, I see people who wish they were vampires so they RP as them on the computer. The truth is that I would rather not. Because if that means that I'm going to hurt people or live for eternity I'd rather not. I want so sortof become a old woman because I want to LIVE for as long as I can, but like a normal person (Also, I don't want to be around when the world ends). And I don't RP as one becasue vampires are overrated (Don't know if I typed that right) and because I just don't want to. 3nodding
Oh, and my excuse for why vampires usually don't go to the bathroom is becasue they usually only drink blood, but if they eat meat or something they could need to go to the bathroom. HEY, YA NEVER KNOW!!!! Lol
Rinoga · Sat Nov 19, 2005 @ 01:58pm · 0 Comments |