Age: 14
Occupation: At the moment a cloths designer.
Hometown: sunnyshore
Strategy: Powerhouse. Hit hard and hit fast.
Training Techniques: She trains with her surroundings. Like making them crush boulders and such.
History: Serenity was an adopted child. When she was young, she was raised in a very rich family and spoiled to no appearient end. However, when ehr parents finally passed away, they left nothing on their will for her. Perhaps theyd forgotten? Either way, she was forced to fend for herself and start a shop where she designed cloths. And it was extrordnarily popular to. Till the rockets found out how much money she was actulay making and robed the place. So now shes a trainer and trying to make it big so at least one dream will be filled. If hats possible.
Personality: As stuburn as a mule. Shes near impossible to get close to or be her friend. But shes very protective of her friends.
Motivations: Because, everyone here is an enemy, nice or not. And if their standing in my way, I'm gona trample them down.
Specialty: Dosn't know at the present moment.
Hobbies: day dreaming randomly...
Talents: Being friendly with pokemon and pokemon only. Just about no wild pokemon opposes her at all. Which can be very useful.
Pokemon Team:
Ninetails lv 57 Serenity could never really figure out this ninetials. She had found it by its self in a forest as a little vulipx. It wasn't caught, but it clamed it had an owner, and didn't know her name, sence she never told it it. So serenity just shruged and captured it. Though nurses seem to have a problem with it.
Torterra lv 67 This was her starter pokemon. It's then bit of the power house on ehr team, despite it having a low speed.
Weavile lv 50 she traded for this one, sence she couldn't seem to catch any darn dark types. Hees been with her all the way and is usually the first pokemon she throws out.
Ariadose lv 47 She had found it in a cave, and put a bit of effort into it. Mainly to prove that bug pokemon arn't the weakest, if you work your way around them.
Steelix lv 56 yet another pokemon she cought in a cave. (same time she got ariadose) however when she was trying to catch this one, they made such a ******** that the small part of the cave they were in was starting to colaps. so they barely made it out. XD
Frostlass lv 68 THis pokemon was actulay a gift from a friend. However, it wasn't evactly happy about being so easeally handed to some random person. So most of the time, it dosn't like to listen to her.
Raichu lv 50
Rapidash lv 55
Gengar lv 59
Cloyster lv 43

welcome to a tale that is so grand.
about a girl named alice who went to wonderland.
A world thats beyond time an space.
Who wants to go to such a place.
She met many friends and foes.
But who they are no one really knows.
but explore it all is such a race.
before your gone without a trace.
a place untouched by human hand.
unless your alice in wonderland.