Robots name: Grottosmick (call him grotto if you know whats good for you)
Height: 6 1/2 ft (yah. hees tall. Live with it.)
Gender: Male
Origonal?: The origonal. The one that has no rule relating to not hurting humans.
Any powers?: Yep. Tons. He has the power to make any unliving object alive and do as his will. You can tell if they are cause they get two not same size and a big grin like his. Also if you grab his tail, it can electrify you. so don't try.
Personality: Hees really nasty and devilish. but, if your lucky, he does have a soft side. He cowards when faced with death. But hell get what he wants not caring about the wellfare of others. Unless your with him long enough and end up diging deep into his past, his heart, and his feelings can he be reasoned with.
History: Grottos life has pritty much sucked at the begining. He was made by a robot builder. The problem was that he was a drunk and didn't mind breaking the law. (that explains a lot...) Grotto was really sweet at this time to. But his owner gave him death threts cause he wasn't perfect enough. Well, grotto dosn't like the idea of death. Not one bit. And one day he finally snaped and gave the man what he would have given him. He killed him. He kinda went into an insane madness after that and has never been the same. Know one quite knows why. They just know on that day, the scientist was extremely drunk and wine was all over the floor. And grotto...
Reaction: Well and battles, good luck. XD But if faced to death, he really cowards out.
View on everything: Well, Grottos afraid to die cause he dosn't know where hell go if he does. So now hees trying to find a way for a robot to be immortal so he dosn't have to worry anymore. He dosnt care who might get hurt along the way to. And dosnt mind hurting people once in a while.
Owner: None
Misc: He has a personal power generator with a recharger cord attached sence everyone wants him distroyed and he can't really recharge in a public building. it's hidden in an abbandoned building that was once used to make robots.

ignore the text on the picture. ill get rid of it later. XD