Gender: Elizibith-Female~~~Cyrus-Male
Power(s): Elizibith has the power of blue aura like orbs that she can throw at you, use to suck your energy, and use as a bubble like shield around her. She also has the power of sound with bells she has that can make glass go boom, throw you agenst the wall, or just plain make you go def for a while. Cyrus controls fire.
Location: Outskirts of lake of sibmition
History:Elizibith is a sweet girl. Serious when necessary, but sweet and caring. And one day while exploring she heard an explosion, and saw smock flooding high into the sky. Quickly, to make sure no one was hurt, even if it was miles away, she ran the distance to check it out. And what she found was an entirely colapsed building made of steel. And in the front of it, Cyrus' Eye. She simply picked up the little thing to see what it was, but it's eye seemed sealed shut as if it were in pain. Being like a mother with a baby, she simply started to rock and hold it. But the instant that it hit her clothing, the eye seemed to jerk open, pupil like a snakes as if it were in shock. Then, the pupil seemed to glow blue. And on the other end of the charm, seven silver hair then noodles like things seemed to flow out, and struck themselves where Elizibiths heart would be. There was a sudden jerk of pain as she fell to the ground, feeling the things seeming to crawl into her body, draging the charm up to until it could go no further as it hit her body instead. Everything, went dizzy as she fell to the ground unconsious. And the charm released to more strings that went around her neck in loops instead, meeting each other and morphing together. Still unconcious, Elizibith seemed to get up. And it was obvious that the eye wasn't in pain anymore, nore was it glowing blue. Instead, it almost seemed fine. Then Elizibith finally opened her eyes, as if the life seemed to get sucked out of her. No, this wasn't Elizibith moving this vessel. Instead it was Cyrus. Complete control of her body.
Is Cyrus evil? of course not. He used to have a vessel of his own, then he got blown up in a stupid building! And in a last atempt to survive, used Elizibith as a vessel. Normally with a human, they would share the body. Swaping control of it whenever they please. But sence Elizibith is a doll, well Cyrus has control only. And when he tryes to let Elizibith control it, instead there is like a lifeless moving shell that his orders, for else it would not know what to do.
Tallents: Elizibith never showed her tallent to anyone, so no one really knows. Although cyrus is terribly good at singing, it's just weird to sing in a girls body. So he really doesn't anymore.
Relations: Elizibith is friends with just about anyone she can. Even Cyrus, though he controls her. But Cyrus usually avoids people, so you could say he's quite lonely.
Current Goal: Both of their current goal is to find Cyrus a vessel to use so that Elizibith can be freed. But before that, Cyrus needs to get his soul pisce back after he got blown up, or he can't live at all.
Personality: Elizibith is kind but Cyrus is more shy.
Beliefs: Both believe everything has a right to live.