This has been the craziest week, to say the least. I've hardly had one wink of sleep since Halloween, so please just bare with me with this journal entry. Alot has happened since my last entry. And I mean alot.
Halloween started out really fun, all of the rabbits we had dyed green seemed to be having the effect we were looking for among the guests, and spreading the holiday cheer around to everyone. Sure, there were a few riots with people proclaiming the end of the world, and that zombies were going to take over (where do they get these ideas from? gonk ), but all in all I thought the party was really fun. After dragging 172 out of a bunch of trouble, 172 decided to throw a sub-halloween-party in the Foyer of Mr.Gino's Halloween Bash. It was alot of fun, and some people came and chatted with us..
xxx_________________________LABTECH172'S SEXY HALLOWEEN BASH
That's the place we were at when it happened. One moment I was happily chatting away with my friends...and the next thing I knew, I could see the Lab on fire from my window !! gonk can only imagine how mortified both 172 and I were at this. We ran towards the fire without even saying goodbye to our friends. (alright, so I sort of dragged 172, but he was drunk and in shock. ) I couldn't believe my eyes...all of our hard work we had been doing at G CORP was burnt away as if it were never there!!
In short, for the past week both 172 and I ((mostly me, because I think 172 is still in shock over the whole ordeal D: )) have been rummaging through the remains of what used to be our Underground Laboratory. Frankly, I don't know what I'm going to do now... I mean, by the looks of it, the only people that survived (( other than the party guests, and 172 and myself )) were two guests of Mr.Gino. I haven't beenable to find Mr.Gino, 123, Bucho... or, hell, anyone that used to work with us.
Now where am I going to work ?!
Halloween started out really fun, all of the rabbits we had dyed green seemed to be having the effect we were looking for among the guests, and spreading the holiday cheer around to everyone. Sure, there were a few riots with people proclaiming the end of the world, and that zombies were going to take over (where do they get these ideas from? gonk ), but all in all I thought the party was really fun. After dragging 172 out of a bunch of trouble, 172 decided to throw a sub-halloween-party in the Foyer of Mr.Gino's Halloween Bash. It was alot of fun, and some people came and chatted with us..
xxx_________________________LABTECH172'S SEXY HALLOWEEN BASH
That's the place we were at when it happened. One moment I was happily chatting away with my friends...and the next thing I knew, I could see the Lab on fire from my window !! gonk can only imagine how mortified both 172 and I were at this. We ran towards the fire without even saying goodbye to our friends. (alright, so I sort of dragged 172, but he was drunk and in shock. ) I couldn't believe my eyes...all of our hard work we had been doing at G CORP was burnt away as if it were never there!!
In short, for the past week both 172 and I ((mostly me, because I think 172 is still in shock over the whole ordeal D: )) have been rummaging through the remains of what used to be our Underground Laboratory. Frankly, I don't know what I'm going to do now... I mean, by the looks of it, the only people that survived (( other than the party guests, and 172 and myself )) were two guests of Mr.Gino. I haven't beenable to find Mr.Gino, 123, Bucho... or, hell, anyone that used to work with us.
Now where am I going to work ?!