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-X- Love No Matter what -x-
My Hearts Words
Its the pain that gets you, that one little pain that grows from a little twitch or whatever you may feel. Grows to enormious praportions. Its nothing but a feeling, a feeling that continuously pounds at your heart stomach or mind. Many are not strangers to this feeling, and others are left in the dark about it. Having this little curse that haunts you with every breathe you take, and every thought that enters your mind about the one that brings your heart to a complete hault. But knowing that the one you have these painful feelings for doesnt feel the same as you. Thinking that if you are at the painful spectrum of the scale he or she is at the other in the pleasureful end. Why oh why does it pain the one who has either had unsuccessful realtionships in the past and can see the continueous pain that not only will continue, but will grow to massive proportions in the near by or far away future. We the few who have this gift of self depricaton and emotional understanding quiver, quiver in the wake of its monsterous demise. And I the issue in the heearts of those I care for, I do nothing but fix things and take your pain, and use that pain to fuel my feelings for you. But when your hurting from a car crash of realtionships dont think Im ubsessed im just working with all the pain you send my way. I come and see you say hi to you, and show you some love. Hurt me,hurt me, hurt me for heaven and hells sake as long as in the end your mind is clear open problem free. I will hold no grudge against you. Mental or physical, emotional, phychological, spiritual pains I can fix them all just let me know whats on your mind and be willing to change because Im willing to helo you no matter the cost. Im driven to make others smile, not to frown. And if it takes our relationship to end so you can have any chance of your well being then bye for the last time. I mean i cant be the bad guy in all of this, I did nothing but honor your name, show you my life, give you my heart in the mosst relentless way. i was fearless to our fate. I was contagious with your pain, what you felt i felt what you heard i heard what you saw I witnessed. It was a battle of long odds but i guess we didnt make the cut. But regardless I do still care about you, the way i felt for you the day I saw you those years ago I still feel now. As you let me in your life and allowed my foot in the door of your own mind, I witnessed a tragedy that had befallen you in your past snd what was seeming to be the early signs of yor present. I wish you the best of my love to the one you hold dear to your heart. No matter what color religion past history and pain you may go through, its the little things in life that shaped the best. I would know Because the things you went through I have been there left came back and bought a souvenier for the family. So your pain is no mystery to me or others, and the fact that you excepted my invitation to my life love and quest of your happiness, but reject me on two terms, I hold no grudge against you in anyway shape or form. I wish you tender love and a strong bond of confidence in your near future relationships. For my father said to me as his father told him and his before him and so on and so on, "Eggs have no business dancing with stones." Im so sorry you poor fragile little stone we tried to fight the odds but you ended up cracking me. And I cant keep myself and still keep you too. Icant say that when im gone, and in a few days as i like to think my swag got it like that, or even a few weeks your gonna miss me, unfortunetley they all never do , and I ask for your advice in getting through a breakup of massive proportions at least to me. But You may be use to getting dropped and left for no ******** reason or with a reason i dont know, but I havent, cause im a love junkie, call it that my dad wasnt there enough but still let me feel his love 5000 miles away, and that my mother was there but didnt love me at all, but truth is truth, love is love no matter how many times you break it down. If you havent been hurt by love you dont get it, when you have been hurt by love you feel it and see it in the eyes of the broken hearted. I told you not to talk to me and never to speak to me again, that even a simple smile wouldnt be noticed, but i lied cause when I see you in the hall way Ill feel like s**t, when I hear your name Ill feel like s**t when i think about you iill feel like s**t, but when your eyes meet mine in a fashion of understanding ill cry, ill cry in your eyes and I want you to look me in the eyes and feel my pain cause I wouldnt wish the way i feel about you to my worst enemy. But I dont want you to think of me, remember me, understand me, notice me, hear me, hate me or love me because the more I acknowledge my exsistence ill fall for you again, and I dont want that at least not without knowing I can get what i give to you back the same way or even better. I do this for you, I still care for you, im still falling for you, listen to my words, because my heart hasnt spoken in awhile.

.-.Give me a ******** break, im in love.-.

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