I am the Gentlemen
Current mood: betrayed
Category: Life
Its the causes, the reason the lies the plays the knowledge. I have no supressing knowldge to know who would tell such thing s to the one I lve so much. I cant see how In my constant appreciation in my life for all living things I cant see how life could deal a ngga such a bad hand. I cant even play my cards right with this one. I was given information that was so shocking that made me cry. I know go ahead and clal me a b***h I dont care, I know that in my absence I may deserve these tears. I may have been granted this pain in evyerway, such as physical emotional and mental. I cant see how one person can deal with mo much pain and still forgive those people, not just a person but people who have not only stepped on me but trampled and dug their feet in my body and heart. So where far along my life I had to of desirved all the pain I am experienceing at once.
Not only have I got the knowledge that I have wanted to know for so many restless days and nights, I mean what the ******** else could go wrong in my days that doesnt drive me crazy. I have strong feelings for no one. And thats the last lie I will ever tell myself. Because it seems like the people who tell me that they love me and care about me like me need me have me or never will have me are treated so well by me, regardless of what is going on in their lives and how they may treat me. I will slove them no matter what. Why you may ask, how could one person love so much for no apparent reason, how is it that you can endure so much heartbreak and pain, destruction and anger, frustration and mental corruption. Its actually not that easy, and too complicated to explain. I only wish that when the world around me realives how fast we are falling down the drain, and where it is that your children and their children will grow up, or they may never grow up. Hell I was but Cenimeters away from either death or sevre pain to the point of perminent hospitalization. That im amazed that I have lived this long. But to be honestim not mad really, im not happy at all now, I cant seemto see the brither side of anything now. But I am a completley put together person, I am an accomplished lover, and a maker of Pancakes to. But Im too nice. Thats all that wrong with me, im to nice.
I care to much about the well-beinig of others that I totally disregard my own well-being. Its a tragic, horrible mindset really. I mean there are guys who are complete assholes, who are liers and cheaters, players, and punks. But not me, no matter what she may do how she may treat me how she may talk about me, I will always put her first and do no matter what it takes to keep her smiling while she is with me, even when she's away I want her to think about me or just be happy no matter what. Those guys who do wrong by females, are walking around with smiles on their faces and lives of greatness, are scum and hell bent haters of a womens respect and feelings. I am The good guy no matter what. I do everything for you, and your family and your friends but you most importantly. And it is us the good guys who deal with the pain and anguish of being with someone and then beiing left for the bad guy, and its not that we dont care, its that we want nothing but your happiness and well-being to let you go so easily. If the bad guy is what you want then so be it. We shall stand by your decision and care or love you form a distance. Love isnt a feeling its an ability. And I was blessed with so much Talent.
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