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View User's Journal

New School
Welcome Ration High School and welcome to a journey of a life time.
Future Characters!!!

Dreadknot: Zombie like creature that appeares from Techs secret lab!!!

Ninjor: The ninja master from Sayuri's family secret item

Rey Dios: The man who appears from a wish from Akako's past

Lobo: THis hunter from Cerberus's world who appears to kill Cerberus

Austero Segador: a scythe technican that appears to be related to Yumi

Draco: Ryan's inner beast who reveals himself to Akako and shows her what Ryan's true appearence is

Lanzo: he appears as an old man, but says that he was part of a group and also knows everything about every clan and also owns a spear from an extinct clan

Gami: he appeared before, but he gained Rex's trust and took his body to create his original younger body

Espada: a swordsmen that was sent by Sayuri's father to kill Ria

Segador: A gaint beast like creature that chanbges shape and size he desires and goes body to body using them as a host

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