A mysterious group of androids that come into the plot and recruit new members and one of the known characters, but also so far listed. Ginga the gathler, he uses his pistoles at high violicties and can make them into cannons called Hades and Zeus of fire and lightning and fire, and create massive attacks. Giga still unknown though seems to be very old, yet looks young and seems to be the type to toy with girls, he hasn't revealed any abilities. Damian the enforce, he uses fire base techniques with a royal staff of his family, yet much not revealed. Lastly Chris the leader, he hasn't really made any moves, but he calls himself a god. There technology ranges from weapons to gaint robots to space ships. They also our able to change shape and size from there programs, mention by Giga. Cerberus knows a bit of this from summoning Hound and knowledge of the robot named soundwave. Soundwave is from the same race, but uses his true form. He uses sound as a weapon usually causes self destruction. Also leads fleets of androids that collect and harvest humans for some reason that is unknown. Reaper, Eagle, Shogun, and Hound come from the same race.