But I sailed away on a wave of mutilation.
I'll respond to the massive outpouring of response and anger from my last entry later. That's going to take more time than I have right now, and quite frankly, I don't give a ******** if you have to wait. Especially since the responses to my journal are borderline psychotic, and so chock-full of bullshitty, hypocritical goodness that it just makes you squeal with glee.
I finally got teh intarweb back at my apartment. Running 1.5Mb DSL now, happy day. My access to internet pron has never been better. razz
On one of my days off, I was taking a nice relaxing break from life by trying out Star Wars: Battlefront 2. (nifty) when I noticed my shirt was wet. I glanced down, and it was covered with blood. I'd thought my nose was a bit sniffly, but.. no. It was bleeding rather profusely from one side. I cleaned up my shirt a bit, then ignored the nosebleed. I've gotten them before, and they usually clear up in about 5 minutes. Then, the other nostril started to bleed. I went to the bathroom to see how bad it was, spat blood into my sink. I spent the next ten minutes heavily dripping and spitting blood into my sink. Some of them were rather large clots. Then, it just stopped.
All in all, I'd say it was about 2 1/2 cups of blood, but it looks like a lot more when it's pouring out of your face.
It's kinda freaky just standing in your bathroom, your face streaked with gore, thinking "Wow.. I hope I'm not hemoragging. I'd hate to die of internal bleeding right now, I've got s**t I want to do."
I'm fine now.. but it kinda ******** up my flogging molly shirt, and I love that shirt.
Battlefront 2 is snazzy, although the singleplayer campaign mode is far too short. Also snagged Castlevania: Curse of darkness for ps2. Overall, it's good. The environments are bland, but the combat, devils and equipment creation system make up for it. Not up to the high-bar raised by Symphony of the night, but damn good nonetheless.
I'll edit this when I get around to responding to the last journal entry.
Twistex · Thu Nov 03, 2005 @ 08:40pm · 11 Comments |