Why won't you stop? Why must you hurt me so? Why do you make me love you, why do i hate you?! Just stop for once! Think about me! Don't make a face, then yell at me for my worry! Don't do something then ignore me without reason! I hate you so much right now! You're a blind idiot with no feelings! You're selfish and you hurt others, You're over protective and wrong, and you never listen! You lie and you cheat, You treat me like nothing, then blame me?! What is wrong with you?! Why do you hate life so much, why do you want to leave me? Why are you happy about it? Why won't you say anything, even when its most important? Why are my tears your bliss? I hate you so much right now! But you can't keep me away, you are just too beautiful! I can't help loving you... But why do you treat me like nothing? Why do you curse me, and act like everything's okay? Why can you still say you like me? Why can't you? Why are you a lying, cheating, can't-live-without-you, kind of person? Why can't you just talk to me, even if you refuse to see me. I can still say after all this, all this pain you've caused, that i love you.
Your-Angel-Eien · Thu Jan 22, 2009 @ 03:53am · 0 Comments |