Brusha Brusha Brusha
Get the new Ipana
Get the new Ipana
With a brand new flavor
It's candy for your teeth
Brusha Brusha Brusha
New Ipana toothpaste
Brusha Brusha Brusha
knocks out! decay germs fast
Fast! Fast you sure are right
So buy now!
It's candy for your teeth
Brusha Brusha Brusha
New Ipana toothpaste
Brusha Brusha Brusha
knocks out! decay germs fast
Fast! Fast you sure are right
So buy now!
yea, this was the lines for a skit that ms. keilty made me, Trisha, Unusha, and Sarah do for a "party" on toothpaste. we gave out toothpaste and toothbrushes. I think i wuz the doctor, n Trisha wuz the bad kid who ate a lot of candy, and sarah was the mom, n unusha was a posing random person, and unusha and sarah sang the song up there. dramallama I held a pack of "Ipana toothpaste" which was a bottle of Colgate that we taped the word Ipana onto the logo. rofl