I look around myself and what do I see, people fighting to protect the wildlife, others searching to prevent the extinction of animals, some protecting other human beings...
Yet I stop to think, when did we become so superior as to decide over these matters of life and death. For even though we try to prevent it, we are the same cause for it. And we cannot deny that even if we do protect these, often it is to glorify ourselves or simply avoid the guilt trip we might experience, or otherwise protect something which we personally find beautiful, all of it remaining selfish wishes.
Sometimes, it's for our future or their future, this still remains a selfish wish on it's own... And who are we to say such things. It reminds me of this game, Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2. In which, one of the characters seems to be slightly aggravated, stating that compared to them, they are very little different. Eating demons, fellow humans whom have the souls of spirits and mythological creatures within the game, is very little different and should not be glanced upon so viciously. As all humans eat meat or vegetables. So if it's a different type of life, it's alright to kill it and eat it? Simply because it cannot think for itself or feel emotions, it's alright to destroy life so to preserve one's own?
This is all natural, it's the law of the jungle, something which we used to understand long ago. We didn't go with the judicial system, we went with honor and glory instead. Understanding the importance of life, at least in what I can say from chinese culture. Death was for honor, for glory, for eternal personalisation. It was selfish, but we followed the rules of nature far better then we do today. Something which we lack nowadays, modesty, humility, acceptance and wisdom.
Being led around by the churches whom decide to interpret religion on it's own basis. Rules based off often from the catholic religion, the interruption of following one's own heart and soul, the monetary system which though is a proper system, brings about a lot of misery and much greed. Our lack of virtue and the scraps of honor we have left is being slowly tainted away... I know, I said acceptance earlier, even if we do try to suppress racism and sexism and all these things. In the past, one's virtues and one's deed was not disminished by your gender or your race, today it can be. Not only so, but we enforce the ideal of accepting others, is that not accepting how they perceive life? It's quite difficult to remain fully impartial isn't it?
I look around myself, and what do I see? What was supposed to be an utopia, a place where war and strife would know no place. A place where we could be free and safe, where we could think in our own term, a place where we would not need to worry about our survival and with people whom would protect us and aid us evolve in our culture and in our social lives.
Instead, the world is filled with greed, innocence is dying, wisdom is being ignored, knowledge is becoming tainted, fear spreads all around us, warmongering mongrels rules over the world, the weak sometimes do not perish whilst the strong do so to protect the weaker ones whom only further corrupts our place, our honor no longer exists, we try to avoid the cycle that is life. We have caused chaos in this land and we are destroying it with our own bare hands...
The world is strong though, the earth is powerful, she can survive us, she could probably wait until we become extinct... But we're much too hard headed for that, we'll probably survive... Somehow, I wish for that, selfishly I want humanity to survive. For even if we do have our bad points, even if we do these horrible things. We are still alive, we think, we can change, we can learn, we can aid instead of destroy or corrupt... Some of us grow weary of these sad ages, the lack of smiles and laughter on people's faces. The stories of sadness which spreads about, these trends which causes more harm then good as they can scar people physically, mentally or emotionally...
I cannot protect paradise alone, I cannot save this utopia with my own two hands, I cannot mend the wounds made to nirvana with my own abilities, I cannot redeem humanity to the eyes of those in valhalla. And to the many gods, titans and divinities of history, I cannot bare to show what we've become to them as we would disgrace them.
But... I will not give up, I will do what I can, to change what I can, to aid whom I can. Sincerely from my own heart, my own selfish and unselfish wish. I am but human, but humans have shown that if they shine true, they can lead the people and in their numbers, they can change the face of the world...
A small joke though, don't expect me to turn into a cult leader or into a politician, too freaky of an idea.
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[ Forever: Art of life ] Through the eyes of the Beast of Blood, Malice.
I am but a simple guy, I still have a lot to learn, a lot to see... So therefore, I shall try to impart all that I know and do my best as well... That is, I shall try to give you all I know, and all I've seen, about this strange art which is life.
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"Forever: Art of life"