Now folks, I feel I should warn you that I feel yet again in a controversial mood. This exemple is nothing but coincidence considering the time we're in, it was one of the first things I could think of, but there are other exemples anyways.
Now, imagine there was a capital, protected by a vast royal army. Within this army, the commander of the capital's forces is a brilliant man of great capabilities, who's abilities at fighting is rivaled only by his tactical skills. Though he could defend his country easily with the proper instructions to his many subordinate and officers, he had often a cold manner of proceeding, often his attacks would leave great devastation and suffering behind.
The man had little patience as well, for the citizens of the capital, as a few mistakes would be dealt with punishment, no matter what the reason would be. He would attack men, woman and children without even flinching if they were unrighteous to his eyes. The men and women of his army would suffer the same fate, as their mistakes would cost them dearly, wether they would be thrown in the dungeon, demoted immediately or cast to death.
Now, in his army, one of his closest subordinate was a knight of great abilities, brilliant and powerful whilst nonetheless skilled. During the wars, the commander would devise strategies from deep within the capital, and this subordinate we speak of, this knight, would often ride in the front and risk life and limb to carry out these plans. Each missions he had been given was filled with phenomenal success...
Now, whom should the king reward though? Should it be the commander for his brilliant tactics which has given them victory? Or should it be his subordinates, for having risked so much and proven great bravery through his every missions?
Now, here's another kicker. Imagine this knight were to leave the army, unable to follow the commander and wishing recognition, he had been cast away from the army rather and was punished with three hundred lashes (whip lashes to be exact). After he was exiled, the young knight would gather people with him, others whom was mistreated by the commander and whatnot, other knights of the army whom were exiled and wished to have their skilled recognized rather then hear about the splendor of their leader.
Imagine, they create a small mercenary group, and that one day, they would storm into the capital, doing nothing to the many citizens and nobles and peasants or servants of it and instead, charging straight for the commander out on vengeance for all he had done and what he denied his subordinates. Though he would suffer a few defeat, he would not give up.
Now, this knight, and here's another detail, was almost as capable as his leader, about 90% as capable, if not more due to his unorthodox methods which would confuse not only the soldiers of his old commander's army, but the commander himself.
Soon, he would succeed upon invading into the territory of the commander. And soon, he would face his old patron. Face to face, the ex-subordinate, and the brilliant commander of the Capital.
Who do you root for? The commander whom is such a perfectionist and whom loyally defends this capital, for who knows what the raiding mercenary troop might do next? Or the knight whom rebelled against his commander whom was so cruel towards his subordinates at times and to his people as well?
If at first, you thought the knight should be rewarded for his acts, then congrats. You've sided with the knight right from the start.
If later, you thought you'd side with the knight in his quest, then congrats. You've betrayed the commander and sided with the knight.
(( Other exemples would be the director of a hospital and the doctor himself. The king of the kingdom and the generals of the kingdom. The principal of a school or the teacher. ))
Now here's a kick to all of you, and don't hate me for it, I'm using whatever knowledge I have on the matter which I've checked on quite a few different sources... If you're with the knight, You're with Lucifer, the angel whom betrayed god. If you're with the commander, congrats, you're with god.
God: Almighty and above all others, whom orders the nine orders of heaven, within the three circles of power he has created. A highly hierarchical system, with Angels acting as Guardian angel looking over each living being, Arch Angels looking over groups, Principality looking over nations and trades, Power guarding the gates to heaven, Virtues leading the hearts of men, Dominion, watching over the countries and whatnot if I remember correctly. Thrones, serving as the servants of the lord and carrying his throne about(therefore the name), Cherubims whom represents the many faraway stars and act as advisors, and finally Seraphims, the closest Subordinates to god.
From what I've read, it seems that angels of any order have no rights to be worshipped, or even be thanked for. All of these must be sent straight to god. God has done very little in what I've seen, the only act he's done was to choose a person for a job and send him over, or at other times, place down his wrath upon the people and upon those whom refused to worship him. If ever he found something to be corrupt, he would purge it. Such as Noah's Ark, remember that story?
He forgives very little and refuses evil and darkness even if it is the counterpart and balance to good and light, which permits us to make the contrast and appreciate both part more and more, how do I know this? Look at Adam and Eve.
When Lucifer wanted to be worshipped, he was cast to the Abyss (not hell, abyss), and to that, he led the army made of fallen angels, cast away by god. He came to earth and to heaven, I have heard very little of any damage he might have caused to us mortals, but I have heard that, though he had lost a few times against Uriel or Michael (I think so, from what I've read), he did succeed in defeating god's army and went face to face with god.
Here's a kicker, I have read that he succeeded upon getting that far, but there's a blank in the story and all that there is as filler is that God, being perfect and almighty, won the battle... How he did it? I don't know, maybe that whole wrath thing got to him again.
I apologize to all christians for I do not wish to belittle your religion, simply to show you a few parts you may not have noticed. I respect the religion, but I despise the church for their corrupted interpretations of your holy scriptures. They are great stories and from what I read, they wish for you to live an honest and pure life, but if you look further, they want you not to be so greedy, but they also wish for you to notice that, even a perfect being will have his flaws. To serve him under fear is not true spirituality, for many of you turn to religion due to fear, wishing things from god... But if you read up on things, your god seems to have actually given very little to the people.
Wish to correct me on this? Go right ahead, I'm always waiting for new sources of information on theology, it's quite amusing. I also know a bit about hinduism and buddhism, as well as a bit of mythology of old.
Final Note: Now, don't kill me, but I also heard/read that Satan serves god as his envoy in hell, acting as the counterpart of good... Yeah, God doesn't mind, as long as he has a hold on things. Very hierarchical and unfair if you ask me, anyways. Satan is in hell, hell is in nine layers with nine lords of hell and Satan is not listed as any of the lords. If you say Satan is Belzebub, he's actually lord of the fifth or sixth layer of hell, Asmodeus being the lord of the last and strongest hell. Lucifer is said to be cast into the abyss, eternal damnation and void, nothingness... That's one ******** big differences guys.
Please note, I still have nothing against christianity, just the church... and teleevangelist, self-righteous christians whom believe that only their faith is true, those so afraid they would turn to any religion and pray, doing nothing and thinking god will do it all for them, people who love jesus a bit too much for they believe they are sacred, protected, that no evil will reach them and that those whom are controversial like myself are possesed by demons.
And I end this by saying: WHY WOULD A DEMON WANT TO POSSESS US? Oh sure, we have eternal souls... You know how easy it is to tempt a human? And if they wanted it so badly, they could kill us in an instant and take it, or wait till the many many MANY corrupt humans on this planet dies off so they can get our souls. If you think some demon lord will possess a human, you're damn wrong, they're far too powerful and have higher objectives anyways then waste time playing with something so fragile in comparison to them, and if they wanted to fight the christian lord, they're both ethereal anyways. If you ask me, the demons that would even THINK of possessing our bodies either do it by mistake, or are so weak in the underworld that humans are actually stronger and that as they enter, manipulate our body, they can push a human body to it's absolute limits, though that would do some damage...
But in the end, it might just be that you're just imagining this demon thing in your head, are clinically insane, or schizophreniac. Or perhaps, you're overly zealously religious and decided to burn a girl on a stake because she stated she was Wiccan.
THE END... Finally, I should shut up faster... Again, please don't kill me for what I said.
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[ Forever: Art of life ] Through the eyes of the Beast of Blood, Malice.
I am but a simple guy, I still have a lot to learn, a lot to see... So therefore, I shall try to impart all that I know and do my best as well... That is, I shall try to give you all I know, and all I've seen, about this strange art which is life.
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