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Body Theatre
Community Member
Anastasia- Wonderland character
Gaia Name: BodyTheatre
Name: Anastasia
Age: 17
Species: Human

Personality:Although Ana is a fairly quiet, bookwormish-type person, she is by no means timid, so when she floated down to Wonderland after Alice, she was far more level-headed than her younger sister. Ana is also very smart, finds more interest in her lessons than children her age, and is soon to start college; her mother hopes dearly that she will find a husband there, but Ana couldn't be less worried about that part of her post-secondary education. Reared as a lady, she is also very formal, doesn't curse, and uses proper English.

Bio: Ever wonder what happened to Alice's bookworm sister after she chased the white rabbit down the rabbit hole into Wonderland? Of course you didn't. This is why I'm going to tell you.
Completely engrossed in her book, Ana didn't notice right away that her sister had gone. However, upon looking up, she caught sight of Alice's feet slipping into the rabbit hole after her and decided to go take a look. Now, being older and wiser than Alice, Ana did not immediately jump down afterwards. After a few minutes of self-debate however, she did decide to crawl in after, and thus is how Ana got into Wonderland.


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