Race: Human
Gender: Female
Grade: 11
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Distinguishing Features:: She has thick natural green hair, cut off at her hips, and constanly bright and shining golden yellow eyes. Although she wears her school uniform, she always wears knee-high black and white striped socks(she has several pairs). She has average sized breasts and small hips, but her figure is intesely curvey.
Likes:: School, chocolate, being alone, winter, spring, summ-oh hell with it, she likes all the seasons, music, her twin bother.
Dislikes:: Being asked out repeatedly, violence, bad manners, dancing, fire,
Dorm Number:: 17
Personality:: Although very pretty and smart, Gailia is very insecure. She has little confidence in anything other than her schoolwork, but gets very talkative when she's nervous. She is very caring, and loves to help out whoever she can. She loves her twin brother more than anything, and was inseperable from him until they went to sepereate schools, and she writes to him every week.
Bio:: Although her family was not too rich, they always made sure that she was well cared for. She skipped fifth grade, and so she is younger than most of the other students in her grade eleven classes. Being a quiet person, she never really made any friends, and so she was always able to concentrate on her schooling. When she was at home she helped her mother with chores, altough she never really had to.
Other::She has a really pretty singing voice. And she has no interest in dating, sort of. She is also a very talented artist, you know, good at drawing and stuff...
Appearence:: But her hair is longer.

With these eyes::