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Death by Luv
Broken Wings

I gaze at the birds that fly up above
watch them soar on tender love
watch them turn, graceful and pure
watch them soar, with love as a cure
They haven't been broken, nor have they been mended
They never have to hide, none of their feelings are pretended
They're love is so true, so gentle and caring
Releasing any pain they'd ever been barring

I spread my wings, so broken and mangled
I try to fly, but the tears are so tangled
With effort I try with all my might
To soar above the sky where the birds are taking flight
Tears well up in my crystal eyes
As I painfully have to say goodbye
To my dream of mending my poor battered wings
I don't know if I'll ever forget the painful brings
That came upon my heart, tearing it in two
I finally realized my mistake to give my heart to you
So I sit hear on the ground with my set of broken wings
and gazed up at the birds, who owned such beautiful things.
~To my ex-best friend. Thanks a lot for using me.

Community Member
  • 12/28/08 to 12/21/08 (1)
  • 12/07/08 to 11/30/08 (2)
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