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Death by Luv
A light morning breeze stroked her cold, velvet cheeks. Her expression was peaceful, undisturbed. Purple eyelids gently obscured her glassy eyes. the corners of her mouth were turned up in a smile, the expression she would now hold forever. All hints of pain and suffering had left her cold, weary body as it silently lay in the grass, relaxed, unscathed. It made him happy to see that the depression had finally lifted from her chest. The less-than-beating heart of hers had finally mended, and she would be whole again as the angels would carry her soul to Heaven. Gently brushing her scarred srms, he touched her bloody wrist, and caressed her face in his hand. Tears traced lines on his cheeks as he touched the girl's scarred arm again, remembering how he would just sit there while she slept and count them all, over and over. 542,he counted one last time as he gently whispered the words they used to share. "You are my sunshine in the morning sky, my breath in the cold air, my thoughts when I'm alone. You are my weaknesses and my strengths. To me you are love, because I love you". One last time he looked at her face, then gently covered her in cherry blossoms,where her spirit flew away with the wind that carried the soft petals. ~For Cree, with love (sorry if it's too soft for you)

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