We'll never give up, it's no use. |
if we're ******** up you're to blame...
Jack Thompson is really pissing me off.
Some people just can't determine between people with real-life issues, and finger waggling, blame shifting, bullshit. I'm a 20 year old, reasonably level headed individual. I've spent countless hours playing violent videogames. By Jack Thompsons laws and agreements, I should be the degenerate scum of society, carjacking and killing blue-haired grandmothers, and raping pregnant women with wild abandon. I have yet to do this, so.. maybe, just maybe, there's a flaw in his idea. I'm gainfully employed. I pay my taxes. I own my own vehicle. I read books, watch movies, and do my best not to make the world worse for anyone else. I try to help my friends and family through difficult situations. Yet, through it all, I play videogames and the urge to go on a mass klling spree has only briefly been entertained as a flight of whim and fancy. I'm not cleaning my guns and swords, carefully checking a kill list of names drawn in crayon and masturbating into a copy of guns and ammo.
I reserve my masturbation for pornography and Maximum Pc, thank you. smile
Might want to rethink your views here, Jack. Because there's millions of us. Millions of deranged, waiting to snap, game-playing teens and twenty-somethings out there. We support a billion dollar industry with fanaticism, and we have your email address. Plese begin shaking in your little space-booties before the masses coming pounding on your door to prove you right with wanton violence and sacriligous corpse urination. Oh, wait.. Scratch that. Because that's completely ********. Instead, we'll spam and flame every email address you supply. That's our voice. Our control over the realm of technology eclipses your horse and buggy-ownership.
Sure, we don't mind being id'ed for games rated M. We support a rating system. A lot of us; however many shudders this may incite from you, have active sex lives, and don't find "Hot Coffee" to be tittilating. We have interweb pron for that. We don't need to hack game code to find an unaccessible developer joke for the purposes of sexual gratification. So sad, I know, that a healthy interest in sexual activity has been around a lot longer than video games. Guess you'll have to neglect that fact in your merciless hate slinging. Just like you'll neglect that war, rape, murder, car theft, and violence all existed before games.
So, we've seen more school shootings in the past few years. You attribute this to videogames. Yes, the kids who sniped their school used GTA to practice, or so you assert. Or, maybe they went down to the local arcade and played a game called "Silent Scope". A game where you literally HOLD A SNIPER RIFLE, and look through the scope to pull off headshots. Your determined focus on GTA just shows how little you've actually researched your "one true calling". Just like your ignorance of the millions of gamers every year, many of them respectable adults, who don't snap and go on killing sprees.
Tangent here for a bit, hope you don't mind.. but, come on kids.. there's better games to practice your sniping with. The fact that these psychopathic ******** used GTA shows us a lot. One, they don't know that for true sniping practice, load up a copy of Americas Army or Battlefield (1942, or bf2), or even unreal tournament. The sniping in GTA, in comparison, sucks a**. Two; they're psychopathic ********, because they stated that "the killing felt like an extension to the game". That's because they happen to have associative disorders between fantasy and reality. They could not equate the murder of people with anything wrong.
School shooting trends can be linked to columbine, where all this crap began. Yes, the two gunmen in columbine created "maps" of the school in Doom. Hell, I created maps of my school in doom. Why? Because school was a daily round of torture. School was easily equated with hell for me. Maybe we should be looking at the effects of school on children, instead of going - "hoshit, they played games.. we're all ******** now." If school creates that sort of angst and torture, that feeling of rejection and pain.. Maybe there's a completely different source for the hatred that amounted to the ability to murder your classmates.
Then, with due prattling, we get to his pithy offer of a 10k donation to a charity if "his game" is made. One, your game, while an intersting concept, seems trite and really serves no point other than to expound upon why games and violence link trends in your mind. The greif struck father of a murdered teen, going on a bloody rampage of all the ne'er do wells in the videogame corporate world.. well, it smacks of a deeper insanity that this father posses. His mental health really should be called into account here. How does he equate this bloodthirsty crusade with justice? Oh, I know how.. He doesn't.
Because you, Mr. Thompson, are harboring seeds of hate deep within your most secret of hearts against a culture you don't understand. You make your statements, and galavant around the media decrying a hobby, profession, and ins ome cases, exuberant passion that you have no knowledge of. You espouse dated slogans and morals on a body of people with lives so far removed from your own, that you might as well be speaking swahili. I am also quite sure of the offense you would take with my wordslinging, here. I tend to spout "curse words" and use vulgar and uneccissarily harsh statements. I also have not once used the words "thine" or "lawsuit" or "criminal intent" or even "thou". You may have to use google to translate.
To sum up.. We get that you don't like GTA. We understand that. It's cool some of us gamers don't dig on it either. Not me, I own all 5. You're fully entitled to your opinion. Stop trying to make everyone else suffer because of it. Stop making outrageous claims for publicity. Stop glossing over the realities of the matter. Stop ignoring the mass of gamers who would never commit atrocities basd on gameplay. Start looking at people like Penny-Arcade, who have created an amazing way of giving back to the community. Start looking at the gamers who work 40 hours a week, keeping things like.. the internet itself, running. Start looking at the weekend everquest player who ahs three kids and a wife. Start looking at your "just cause" in the harsh light of reality.
Twistex · Thu Oct 13, 2005 @ 09:44pm · 7 Comments |