terkey jerk(ey)
so my best friend moved to texas... shes black panther or something on my friends list..... her name is ashley... and i love her to death. she has been with me for the long run and we have gone through everything together... life with her was amazing. and we always had a blast... her grandma decided that life had to end... and now ash lives in texas with her mom. we dont really talk much, calling is a bit inconvinent..... but i still love her all the same. i wanted to go see her for her sweet 16... but i couldnt raise enough money to get a plane ticket. but all the same.... i wish i could go, and i know her sweet 16 will rock. anyway.... me and ash dont really talk much though she rocks my heart. on thanksgiving i got a call from "ristricted" saying that she was in a car crash..... and she was dead @ the sceen.... as u might think.... i was just devistated... my whole life imploded @ that moment. @ first i wasnt sure what to say. and then there were no words @ all... just the understanding that everything was gone. my secrets. my good times. my best friend was gone... then the voice on the other side of the line says that he was just joking... and she is really alive.... im soaked in my tears, and more mad than the devil evil she calls me back... and im not gunna answer. she asks me if im mad @ her on the voice mail. shes laughing... and says shes sorry... yea right. tell it to some one else. im done listening to you..... you know that u are my life. well... my bf is my life... but u and lila are way up there. and living with out u 2 is hell for me... and u both left me.... ur in texas... and lila is across san diego...... and i cant keep in contact with u 2... and i miss you. and then u do things like this. thats low. probably as low as it gets. oh.... and what makes it even worse is that u know some one has hurt me useing that same thing. my x.... yea... he had his gf call me and say that she was his mom. and that he had commited suicide..... reall nice ash.... is hurting people becoming a hobby of urs? if it is.... i kinda dont want to know u any more. remember when u were still here with us @ SCPA and all those people lyk patrick would hurt you.... with the jew jokes... and all the gehtto haters.... your just like them. only worse. cuz ur hurting people that care about u. and people that u really know. and from what i hear for joe.... im not the only one that got this call..... stop messing with us. and get a life. i love you... but u can just go suck a fat one. i thought u were better than that.... agents cream and sugar? well creams leaving... cuz as it turns out... sugar isnt very sweet. i lyk my friends loyal... and i lyk them to actualy be friends. i love(ed) you... and now i honestly dont know what emotion i have for you... and i dont know if i will keep ur number on my phone. ur killing my heart... and my phone mins..... have some "dead" fun with ur new friends.