"Mom, come on let me go. I have school you know." I say standing outside my mom's black Scion, holding the door. It was my first day of school, 10th grade, just happend not to have a car yet. It was snowing, icy and freezing. Great timing. "But Ariyana.." She wined as she held my black twilight sweatshirt sleeve. "Goodbye." I think I sounded a little harsh as I slammed the door and I could feel her frowning as she drove off. I wanted to turn back, to say i'm sorry. But something. . just something held me in the same spot.
I wiped my smeared eyeliner just as the yellow schoolbuses pulled up. I turned around and met eyes with this gorgeous boy, black eyes, black hair, anarchy sweatshirt and a hat, who was coming off bus number 1. I stared as he turned his eyes toward the school and started walking off the bus, he was holding up the line. I just held my mouth wide open as people came off the buses and pushed past me. I watched him sit down on the bench right outside the main doors, to wait for his friends.
Serenity came up to me and stood infront of me. Serenity has orange hair and freckles. "Hello? Earth to retard!", She said loudly as her words echoed through my ears. I stared blanky with my bright green eyes. She sighed and slapped me lightly in the face. I stammered and stared at her "What the heck was that for?" She laughed and said, "Because your were staring at that kid." She pointed at the kid with the anarchy sweatshirt. I studderd and exclaimed, "No-I wasn't" I blinked my eyelashes and hit her hand hard.
I walked away and she followed me like a lost dog. I turn around a say over my shoulder. "Leave me alone, Serenity."
"But Ariyana..", She sounded just like my mom. I was standing there still, frozen. "Ariyana?" She asked worried. I wasn't dead. I just-wasn't moving. I turned around with my over sized backpack and said, "What Serenity?? Why don't you ever just leave me alone for one minute! I have to go, bye." She just stared at me blankly with her greenish/blue eyes. I fast walked toward the school and I didn't happen to notice a patch of clear ice on the sidewalk. I slipped infront of the kid, I just happened to all ready like. All I remember was me falling, then I fell into warm arms, of a stranger I wanted to know.
I woke up and I found myself in the nurse's office, already, on the first day of school. I sat up on the old rusty bed and fell back down due to a aching pain in the back of my head. After the loud "BOOM" as I laid back down in the old bed the nurse came in and looked at me curiosuly wondering what happened. She was a redhead and had percing blue eyes, she was wearing a white dress with a pin, it was a red cross. "What's wrong, hun?", She said with a southern accent. I chuckled under my breath cause her accent was kinda funny.
''Ummm. . . There's alot wrong . . . I'm in the nurse's station on the first day of school.'', I say staring into her really pretty eyes. She stared back and I looked at the poster of a duck. I got up and looked around, I seen the white counter on the left side of this tiny room with my backpack on it. I felt like all of the room was coming around me, about to eat me up. I felt myself stumber back a little, but I regained my balance then walked over to the white counter and grabbed my purple backpack. The nurse stared at me like I was crazy then said my name, I ignored her and walked out the room, flipping my backpack over my shoulder. I found myself in the hallway, kids were everywhere.
I stared around, my eyes searching for Serenity. I found her standing next to that boy I was staring at, I swallowed the big nervous lump in my thoart. I walked over to her, holding my backpack tight not to drop it with my clumsy self. I moved through the crowd of random student's talking to their friends. I looked at my feet when I was walking, just so I don't meet eyes with this gorgoues boy. I finally made my way through and stood next to Serenity and I whispered in her ear, ''Come on Serenity, we don't want to be late to our first class of 10th grade.'' She stared at me with her wide eyes and said, ''But Ariyana you have to meet Cole. He is just awesome!'' I sat there staring into her eyes so I don't have to look in Cole's.
She turned me around grasping my shoulder's tightly and turned me around swiftly and I met eyes with Cole. His burning amber eyes were just amazing. I studdered to get something out, to say hi or anything. At least he got the point and started out by saying, ''Hi, I'm Cole.'' Oh my gosh, his voice was so deep and warm feeling, I shuddered at the thought. I manged to get out, ''Hi. I'm Ariyana.'' He chuckled a little and flushed on his cheeks then said, ''Yes, Serenity was telling me all about you. You seem, amazing.'' His eyes twinkled when he said that. I smiled crookedly and said, ''Wow, thanks.'' I blushed, I could totally tell. He smiled back even better, I declare this my favorite smile.
He looked over my shoulder and waved at someone I sat there staring into his amber eyes, he didn't notice. He caught me offgaurd and said, ''Well, I shall be going now. Class is about to start and I don't want to be late.'' He waved at Serenity then hugged me tightly, his warm body pressing against mine felt like heaven. I turned around as he walked away quietly not making any sound, just like a model. I turned around to see who he waved at it turned out to be this kid with curly, short hair, brown eyes and darker skin. I don't know his name, I couldn't remember. I turned to my left and met eyes with Serenity, she smiled oddly. I frowned and felt my flushing die away and my face stern. I finally spoke up and said, ''Why did you make me meet him?'' She smiled with all of her pretty teeth, ''Because you need to talk to him more. . . So I can hook you two up.'' I swear I almost punched her, but I'm not like that. I crushed my fingers into my palm. I got this out but very meanly, ''SERENITY!! What the hell are you talking about?!?-'' I just manged to get this out without crying, in a very low whisper I said, ''-I do not like Cole.'' She stared at me for about 10 seconds then started looking at her converse. I held on to my backpack tightly and walked to my locker, I was looking at my feet, pushing through people who I really don't care who they are, except for this one. I ran into Cole while he was by his locker grabbing his books for Chemistry. I hit my head in his chest, he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight to his body, mine molding on to his. I was still shocked about the running into him part. ''Hey there.'', He said really sweetly. I flushed and looked into his amber eyes, they were lighter now. I choked out, ''Hey. . . Sorry-'' He cut me off and said,
It's okay, it was an accident, hun.''
I held my mouth wide open. He brushed my cheek with his smooth hand, smiled, and walked away. My back hit the lockers as I mleted down them. Serenity came over and smiled. She grabbed my left arm and pulled me up, me still starstruck. 'Are you okay, Ariyana?'', Serenity asked sweetly. I got on my feet without falling and said, 'Mhm.' I watched him walk away, me flushing bright red.
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