Grasped Hands ;
Together ;
Closed Eyes ;
Pause ;
Move Closer ;
Lips About To Touch ...
Dog barks.
I open my eyes and sigh.
"Oh god..that stupid dog.. always messing up...",I trail off.
"Honey, it dosen't's just...well...a...kiss"
I go through the back door and I come back holding the leash of
Bessie our St. Bernard. I slump down and shut the door. I take off Bessie's leash and right away Bessie jumps to the couch and lays down on it.
Tyler widen's his eyes.
He walks up slowly to the couch not to alarm her.
"GET OFF THE COUCH" Tyler yells at the top of his lungs.
You could hear Bessie's nails scratching against the hard wood floor.
I laugh and Tyler walks up to me and hugs me from behind, and whispers in my ear "I love you".
I look back at him and I kiss his cheek.
"I love you too"
I put my hand on his face.
He says,"Wanna go somewhere, love?"
I turn around and I hug him.
"Ummm sure, but where?"
"How about....the...."
I laugh,"Pshhh..Yeah!"
"Oh yeahh" Tyler smiles back.
"Let's Go"
I grab the keys and Tyler comes running after me.
I first fill Bessie's food and water dish and run out the door and I lock it fastly.
"No robber comin' in tonight"
Tyler looks questioned.
"Why would you think that?"
"I don't know...DONT QUESTION ME"
"Im kidding''
I hug him tight and I go to the car.
Tyler opens the car door for me.
"Open door for my lady."
"Haha yeah", I smile.
I sit down in the car and Tyler shuts the door and I start the car just as Tyler walks in the passenger seat, in our red Ford F150.
"Ready?" I say.
"Hella yeah" He smiles and laughs.
We drive about 10 minutes.
"Turn right here."
I turn right into a dark street.
"LOOK OUT" Tyler screams.
I turn the wheel all the way left and the car jolts to a stop.
My head flies back and his face hits the dashboard.
I rub my neck and turn off the car.
"Are you alright?"
There was no response.
My heart pounds in suspense.
Then it drops, like getting crushed by a big hammer.
I qucikly shuffle around the messy truck for my cellphone, and I dial 911.
"911, what's your emergency", Says the lady.
I studder and Start to tear
"Me boyfriend..." I clear my throat.
"We got into an accident, with a cat...we were driving down Maple Rd. and there was cat...and he said watch out so..I turned the wheel left...and we hit a tree. But my boyfriend's not responding"
"Okay ma'am, rescue squad and police are on the way"
"Thank you"
I close the phone and lift Tyler's head and i kiss his bloody lips.
"I love you."
I hold his head on my lap and sing a song.
"I love you, you love me"
I smile and swing him back and forth.
Tear's roll down my face and i close my eyes, untill i hear sirens and i open them and i see my truck door is open and a rescue squad man carries to a strecher as I see Tyler being carried to.
"I love you"
There was no reponse.
They strap me on the stretcher and bring my purse with me.
They put me in an ambulance called "Bell" and for Tyler he was in an ambulance called "Liberty".
I closed my eyes and all I could her was my own heart crying.
I woke up at a hospital.
I guess the nurse told me it's hospital called "St.Lucy's"
I see on my arm an I.V. and im hooked on a heart pluse meter.
I think about Tyler.
I quickly grab the remote and press the nurse call button.
She comes in a I see her nametag.
Her name is Mary.
"Hello ma'am. You called me.", Say's the nurse.
"Yes..Ummm..I was wondering about my boyfriend.."
She had a very sorry and disapointing look on her face.
" mean Tyler Christensen?"
"Yeah..He is in a coma..Im very sorry, Alexis."
I look at her like she's crazy.
I studder.
"Yes ma'am"
She looks at her feet.
I push the covers away and get out of the bed and I grab my I.V.
She looks at me curious.
I walk out of the room.
She calls my name but I keep walking because all I care about is Tyler.
I walk around the whole hospital building looking in every room.
I drag along my I.V.
The nurse following me, calling my name, I ignore her.
I see one room, way down the hallway.
It has closed doors and a curtain I can see a bed in there.
I walk faster down there.
"Alexis Harisen!! Don't you disturb that room!"
I ignore her.
I walk towards the door and I open it slowly closing my eyes.
I hear a machine.
A coma...
I open the door all the way and I see a male.
I shut the door before the nurse can come.
I lock it.
I hear her pounding at the door.
I hear her walking away.
I go to the infomation clipboard while my eyes start to tear up.
I read it.
"Tyler Christensen, Male, Cacausian, Blue eyes, 190lbs., 6ft. 1in."
I start to cry.
I run away from my I.V. and it pulls out of my arm.
I try not to scream.
Blood rushes down my arm.
I hug Tyler in his "Death bed".
Tears fall from my red eyes.
I fall to the ground and hold my face in my hands.
I hear the door unlock and it all flashes.
The nurse comes in.
She grabs me and I pull from her.
Next thing you know im back in my hospital bed.
Laying there.
I wake up.
Another I.V. in my swollen arm.
Nurses looking through my door every minute.
I get up from my bed and I walk to the bathroom they have in my room. I look in the mirror and I see my eyes all red and my face bruised. I feel my face.
Woah...I look like I got beat up.
The nurse walks in and I sit back on my bed fastly and I cross my legs. "Hello Mary." She looks over-welmed.
"Hello Alexis.." She writes something on her clipboard.
I clear my throat. "So..Alexis..How was that little escape?"
"About that.."
"Well...You could of just asked us..Like to see him"
I stare at her blanky and I blush. I feel stupid.
"It's okay, but ask next time."
"Yes Mary." We laugh together.
"Okay Miss.Harisen I'll talk to you later, hun."
"Bye Mary." She walks out of the room and closes my door.
"Tyler", I whisper softly to myself.
All of a sudden I cry.
I press the nurse call button on my handy remote.
Mary walks in and she looks at me, her smile turns into a frown.
"Aww Alexis what's wrong?"
"Awww Hun, let's go see him"
She stands up and I do to, she wraps her arm over my shoulder and I drag along my I.V. We walk out the door, I hold my head down, tears fall to the cold hospital ground.
We walk down the long hallway to his room.
I look up as she opens his door. He's just laying there, looking dead.
I break down crying, I coulden't help it.
"Shhh..Shhh it will be alright", Mary trys comforting me.
I sniffle as tears fall down my face.
I turn around in weakness.
I hear coughing.
I turn around very quick.
Tyler coughed.
I knew it was him.
"TYLER?", I say scared and excited.
I look away and he coughs again.
Mary gets the docter.
They both run in Tyler's room as am I laying right next to him on his bed.
"Alexis! Get away from Tyler, you don't want to freak him out just as he gets out of the coma.", the docter shouts.
I get off the bed and Tyler sits up.
I smile, "Tyler?"
He looks at me and stares.
He takes off the air mask and looks at all the docter's.
All the docter's say,"That's amazing..He remember's her...He can sit up" I walk to Tyler and sit down next to him.
I smile and hug him tightly he hugs back.
"Welcome back", I say while smiling.
After all that we got sent back home, both of us.
The cab pulls up to our driveway and I un-buckle my seatbelt.
Tyler is reading a book quietly so I un-buckle his to.
He smiles at me and closes his book.
"Twenty dolla please.", The taxi driver says.
I hand him a twenty dollar bill.
Tyler and I open our doors at the same time just as the taxi trunk pops open.
Tyler starts limping to the house with his crutches and I lift his and my suitcase.
I close the trunk and the taxi drivers drives away.
I walk to the house up the old concrete path.
Tyler opens the door.
I smile and say, "Thank you."
He smiles and I walk in and drop the suticases in the hallway.
He limps in the doorway and shuts the door lightly.
He turns around and trips over the suitcases.
I laugh and he gives me a funny look then cracks up.
I help him up by grabing his hands.
His face gets close to mine and I can feel his minty breath.
"Thanks." He pulls me close and kisses me.
I blink and he lets go of me.
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