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Highlights of becoming a Manga-ka
Aishiteruze Baby!
It's the title of the manga I just finished. crying It's absolutely adorable.

Obviously, I've been on a shoujou trip. It's in preparation for my first manga which will be a shoujou. I'm trying to grasp the concept of flowing arcs and emotion. XDD I suppose I should work on drawing emotions, too. I just can't seem to draw sad right now. (Good things are happening to me. ^_^)

But, anyway, Aishiteruze Baby is about a popular male student who ends up in charge of his five year old cousin. There's a romance that goes on with the main character and another schoolmate that accompanies the main plot, as the little girl waits for her mother to return.

I was really tearing up at the end! crying It's REALLY cute, and, once again, I'll recommend it.

To be fair, the parental disclaimer I add on this one is vague vague references that he was a bit promiscuous in the past and one scene where it is implied lightly that the main character and his girlfriend have sex. She later thinks she might be pregnant but isn't.

I also read Air, but wasn't as impressed. It wasn't bad, but it was kind of weird, and, in the end, I didn't fully understand just what had happened. Still, it was kind of sweet. I'm not saying 'go read it nao!' or anything, but if you get the chance, go for it. ^_^ (No parental disclaimer on this one at all.)

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