After getting my preview down, I've finally gotten my main character roster set in stone. I might also make only Escart's part the Prologue and the other two story routes part of the next few chapters.
Profile Update #1
I. 81st Frame Meister Battalion--Eurasia Division
Hiroshi Nagai
Aliases: Hiro
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Description: Medium-height, medium-build. Short, spiky black hair and brown eyes.
Backstory: A nervous yet hot-blooded, lively genius of a teenager, Hiroshi has always had an interest in the stars since early childhood. On the topic of black holes, he can't help but ramble over what he knows about them to no end, and upon hearing about a new prototype Combat Frame that would be using the power of gravity gone mad, Hiro found a way to enlist in the 81st just to test it out from himself. What the young Meister is unaware of is the power of black holes, which reveals itself to him during his first combat mission.
Frame Type: Humanoid
Frame Weapons: 2x Heavy Knuckle, 1x Cross-Bladerang (Stored on left forearm module), 2x Foot Blade.
Magic Capabilities: Can warp in a single-shot Gravity Rifle via an artificial black hole; Frame can transform into a giant sword Hiroshi can use while his Magic reserves are still full.
Trivia: Hiro's Frame is loosely based on the Huckebein Boxer as seen in the Super Robot Wars series.
Hikari Sakamoto
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Description: Long, red hair done in a ponytail; green eyes. Thin build.
Backstory: Of half-Japanese half-American heritage and a former Witch of the U.S.A.F., Hikari was once a rising star in the U.S.A.F.'s Witch Division until one fateful day in which she lost her best friend to a headshot during a raid on an insurgent camp in southwest Hemjinestan. Since then, she has been afraid of flying and thus developed a psychological vulnerability to being "under-gunned." Joining the 81st Eurasian Division allowed Hikari access to firepower she claimed she would've never had during her days as a Witch. Though none of her friends know of her past, she harbors a grudge against Witches in general and a self-hatred for not having enough firepower to take out the foe that robbed her best friend of her life.
Frame Type: Reverse-Joint.
Frame Weapons: 1x Hybrid Sniper Cannon (can fire both solid shells and energy shots; held in right hand); 2x Anti-Frame Katar (Stored on hips; hand-carried during use)
Magic Capabilities: Can foresee where a target is heading, thus allowing her to lead her shots exactly where she needs to. However, her foresight is limited and thus cannot be used to predict more than that.
Trivia: The Hybrid Sniper Cannon found on Hikari's Frame is a tribute to the Oxtounge Rifle found on the Weiss Ritter in SRW Impact/OGs/OG Gaiden.
Joshua Chapman
Age: 19 (Going on 20)
Gender: Male
Description: Tall, muscular build; Short blue hair and blue eyes.
Backstory: A veteran Frame Meister, Joshua Chapman hails from the British Isles and with his older age, he acts as an older brother figure to both Hiroshi and Hikari and thus looks out for their welfare. An expert in close-quarters combat, he is one of the few users of a Quadruped-based Combat Frame and very skilled in controlling it. However with signs of his health declining, it's not clear how much longer Joshua will last, especially with his attachment to his frame and refusal to switch to a humanoid or reverse-joint design as his Quad-based Frame does drain his energy a significant deal when interfaced with for extended operations.
Frame Type: Quadruped
Frame Weapons: 1x 25mm Gatling Cannon (Mounted on back unit offset to the left); 1x Giant Heat Sword (Stored on rack on back unit offset to the right; Requires two hands to support and use); 2x Finger Autocannon (One mounted over the back of each hand);
Magic Capabilities: Can enter "Bullet Time" in order to "slow down" everything going on around him while in reality, it's his reaction time that is hastened.
Trivia: Joshua's Frame is loosely based on AC Unit "Bullet Life" as seen in Armored Core Nexus and Last Raven while the Giant Heat Sword is similar in design to the one used by the Dom Gross Beil as seen in SD Gundam G Generation Gather Beat.
II. 81st-NATO Combined-Arms Division
Jack R. Gatling
Aliases: Vulcan Hare, Bunneh Boi
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Description: Short, dark purple hair, white bunny ears, brown eyes; Medium, slender yet muscular build; Left-handed;
Backstory: Known as the Vulcan Hare, Jack is an ace of the 81st NATO Division with an unbelievably high confirmed kill count of 350 enemy units and a gunnery accuracy so high that he is rumored to be able to "steer" his shots even after firing them (Jack denies this rumor). His seemingly innocent look and playful, even flamboyant demeanor when on standby gives way to a viciously ferocious combatant on the battlefield. Currently Jack has no memory of his life before the 81st-NATO but as of late he is not bothered about it nor even cares--the Vulcan Hare's concern of his hazy past would change during his first combat exercise with the Neo Lutwaffe Ace and new friend Erica Hartmann would end in an ambush by Neuroi-infected F-6r Big Foot mechs, an ambush that would be foiled by a mysterious M61 Vulcan-toting "Boy Witch" whose resemblance to Jack suggests something about his past he is currently unaware of.
Frame Type: Reverse-Joint
Frame Weapons: 2x Gatling Missile Launcher (Mounted in place of the normal lower left and right arm parts), 4x GAU-12 25mm Gatling Cannon (Mounted on the backpack unit in a horizontal row)
Magic Capabilities: Can cast a self-buff allowing him to increase the velocity of his shots for enhanced armor piercing ability and rate of fire. However, this can lead to a weapon jam is used recklessly in addition to draining Magic reserves. (Rumor has it that this is the "Berzerker trance" Jack has been spotted going into during extremely heated combat.)
Trivia: Jack's Frame has a look similar to the HWR-00-MkII Monster from Macross, though its armament is somewhat different and is slightly more mobile than the Destroid that inspired it. Also, Jack has no relation to Richard J. Gatling, the inventor of the Gatling Gun (among other nifty inventions of his time period)--that's just a coincidence. =P
Erica Hartmann (Alternate Universe)
Disclaimer: Since this is an alternate universe fic, this Erica Hartmann is NOT the same one seen in Strike Witches-verse. Besides, that would not be possible as Strike Witches-verse is set in the 1940s whereas Combat Frame Meister-verse takes place around 1997.
Aliases: Ace in the Hole, Ace of Spades
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Description: If you've seen her in Strike Witches, she looks exactly the same, so no surprise there. =P Oh, and she's also a righty.
Backstory: The "ultra ace" of the Republic of West Germany's "Neue Lutwaffe", Erica Hartmann is known for her impressive shoot-down count, which currently stands at 200. Not many would know this by looking at her as she tends to present herself as sloppy and the last person who is ever serious, at least that's outside of combat. The Ace Witch, along with her younger sister Ursula Hartmann were transferred to the newly formed 81st-NATO Combined-Arms Division, immediately befriending the Ace Meister Jack R. Gatling. Their first combat exercise together changes their lives forever when an ambush by Neuroi-infected F-6t Big Foot mechs is foiled by the mysterious "Boy Witch", whose resemblance to Jack is all too similar to be a coincidence.
Weapons: MP40, MG42
Magic Capabilities: Use of Magic shield and, um, Do a barrel roll? *coughsturmcough*
Ursula Hartmann (Alternate Universe)
Disclaimer: Like Erica, Ursula Hartmann of this story is not the same one seen in Strike Witches-verse and for the same reason.
Age: 10
Gender: Female
Description: She looks like an even younger Erica with one major difference: Ursula wears glasses.
Backstory: Fresh from the ranks of West Germany's "Neo Lutwaffe", Ursula is easily identified as Erica Hartmann's younger sister. A bit of a bookworm, Ursula is more often than not seen reading some kind of book, usually her protocol and battle tactics manuals from her training days in the "Neo Lutwaffe". Her transfer to the 81st-NATO Combined-Arms Division proves to be her first big break as she and her older sister are assigned to same squad as ace Meister Jack R. Gatling and very soon, Ursula will learn more about combat than any manual can teach her.
Weapons: MP40 (I'm not sure if she uses this in the Strike Witches light novel but since this is alternate universe, it's not really critical)
Magic Capabilities: Asides from basic use of Magic shields, Ursula's ability to use magic isn't quite developed as of late...yet.
III. Miscellaneous
Escart Courtwell
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Description: Short, brown hair and brown eyes. Curiously enough wears what looks like a Male Blade's outfit as seen in Flyff even though he's clearly not from Flyff-verse; Right-handed.
Backstory: The son of the late Ratsul Courtwell, Escart had left the kingdom of Paladi after vanquishing the Dark Lord...or so he thought. Enlisting the help of his elf comrades Leena and Orkis, along with the trigger-happy Machine comrade-in-arms AST-1337K (a.k.a., "Big Guns" ), the three embarked on a new quest to hunt down the Dark Lord once and for all, unaware that the four would find themselves in a completely different world.
Class: Fighter
Weapons: 2x Soul Longsword
Magic Abilities: Can self-heal (but not party heal); Also capable of using magic to adapt to unfamiliar technology as he did during his first encounter with the Machine "race" back in Rucell City (VK1 event).
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Description: Long, blonde hair tied in twin braids; blue eyes; Dressed in typical Mage garb.
Backstory: One of six Elves who had observed the land, she and Orkis were the only two who refused to abandon the fate of humanity to the Dark Lord. It was she who found the infant son of Ratsul Courtwell and raised him as her own. However that boy would be spirited away from her and would suffer amnesia but eventually the boy she raised grew up and became the man known as Escart Courtwell, the son of Ratsul, the First Hero. Leena rejoined Escart in order to help take down the Dark Lord once and for all.
Class: Priest, Mage
Weapons: 1x Holy Staff
Magic Capabilities: Capable of using offensive and defensive/support spells of just about any kind.
Age: N/A
Gender: Male
Description: Pale blond hair, cropped short; brown eyes; Wears a red overcoat over his fighter's garb.
Backstory: Another one of the elves who originally swore to watch over humanity, Orkis, like Leena, refused to abandon humanity to the devil's hand. A good friend of the late Ratsul, he was one of those who fought with the fallen hero side-by-side and after recognizing the man suspected to be Ratsul's son as that man, he joined Escart in his crusade.
Class: Fighter, Mage, Priest
Weapons: 1x Damascus Sword
Magic Capabilities: Like Leena, Orkis can cast a variety of offensive and defensive/support spells but due to his training as a Fighter, they are not as effective.
Aliases: Big Guns
Age: N/A
Gender: Male
Description: Wears what appears to be a WWI flight cap along with an overcoat and garb many WWI biplane pilots would wear
Backstory: One of many Machines that left for Paladi in order to join the crusade to kill the Dark Lord, AST-1337K, as his designation states, is an assault-class Machine specializing in high-offense operations. His excessive trigger-happiness and near-psychotic tendencies in battle have earned him the name "Big Guns" and as such has been a thorn in the side of the Dark Lord for quite some time. Despite his quirkiness, Big Guns knows when to hold his fire and when to go full-out, making him a great asset to Escart and crew...even though his attempt to use magic, something Machines are not known for, leads to hilariously disastrous results.
Class: Machine
Weapons: 2x Prominence Grenade Launcher (one mounted on each arm of the walker)
Magic Capabilities: He said, "Write it down and die! [/glare]"
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