Makes ya' wonder how I ever get my lockers open... >>
Anyways. I've decided that I want to do an avi for Halloween, which is my first and foremost favorite holiday of the year. If I didn't, then what good would I be?
Here's the first one:

Total Value: 398,984 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Oculus Mythica
Leather Collar with Cross
Berry White Gathered Tavern Wench's Skirt
Elegant Red Satin Corset
Biancamella 3rd Gen
Biancamella 2nd Gen
Picolitrosso's Urn
Doll Ears
Superior Form
Unfortunately, I probably won't be doing this one at all, as much as I would like to. I hate putting myself behind on quests, my current one being for the G Blade, and many of these items, such as Picolitrosso's Urn and the other Biancamella, are expensive. xP
I'll edit this later, adding another avi. Hopefully one that I can do without much spending. xP
I hate being poor. xD
Edit: Ahh, somehow the second one ended up being slightly less, but still expensive! xD

Total Value: 270,669 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Shadow Spirit
Enchanted Book 4th Gen.
Oculus Mythica
Silver Locket
Lovely Genie Silver Pointed Slippers
Lovely Genie Silver Bangle Bracelets
Lovely Genie Silver Bangle Bracelets
Superior Form
When making these, I wanted to go with themes. I think they're rather easy to figure out. :3
Well, we'll see if I can get one or the other done by Halloween. Doubt it, but we'll see. xP
Edit: Thanks to my lovey for donating a Shadow Spirit! I love you so much. x3