Luckily, though, I was able to track down the "cosplay" avi I wanted to do for the Avatar Arena. I didn't want to put it up so it would be some sort of surprise. But eh. If it means that it won't be lost entirely!

Total Value: 20,936 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Chairo Cache Shoes
Buttoned Down Feather Pants
Grounded Ghost Hunter Protective Gloves
Retro Scholar Rawleather Coat
Detective Kit
Wrinkled Green Shirt
Brass Raving Goggles
Pilot's Goggles
If no one can guess, it's Razputin from Psychonauts, which is an awesome game. It's about this weird scheme surrounding this summer camp for psychic children. It's really quirky.
I'll probably do this on a mule account, though. I'll post later which one (as I have several). It'd be too tedious and expensive to change the hair from one back to the one I have now.
Edit: I've decided finally to make the cosplay on my Aziela mule. From this day forth she shall be my arena mule! >: D
So yes. I'll announce when she's all done-up, as well as when she's been submitter, her link, etc. :3
Thanks for listening. =D