For those of you who may not know, ACen is a huge anime and manga convention in the Midwestern area. It attracts people from all over the world!
And this year I was apart of all three days. x3
Granted, I was sick for all of it, but it was still pretty fun.
I went with $210. I came back with nothing. I bought a lot of little things, mostly. I'll probably put pictures up, as well as some of the cool cosplays that I managed to snag photos off. There aren't a lot, mostly because I'm hypercritical, I accidentally deleted a pic of one of my more favorite ones, and frankly because I'm not that much of an aggressive photo taker. xD
But yeah, all was fun. On the first day, I did most of my shopping, and I went to my first panel ever with my lovey, which was for the game series known as Touhou. I got a free pin of one of the more well-known and original main character.
The second day was the first time I used my state ID card - once to look at the dating sims and doujin table, and again later that night to go to an adult AMV panel. Granted, it wasn't worth it because the MC was so annoying... but whatever. xP
The second day I spent most of my time in the hotel room that my friend Ritsu was nice enough to let us and a lot of other people stay in. I was so sick that I couldn't stay in the convention center - I had to stay near the tissues. Px
The third day (today), was a lot better, although I've been wobbly and "blah" all day. But hey, I was able to bypass that and still have fun. We even went to go see the new Star Trek movie. Which, by the way, was AMAZING! D<
Good times to be had by all. Oh! I also got a nice original drawing from the artist of! I'll try to upload a picture. It's autographed and everything. x3
Also came back to find that I have probably the best family in the entire world!
Recently I enrolled at the American Academy of Art, and got my acceptance letter on Wednesday. My dad was still really iffy about me going there, not only because my aunt hasn't done so well as an artist, and because of how expensive it was. He also thought it would be a "fast food" degree program.
But my mom persuaded him otherwise, so now he's more than happy to back me up on this. Also, I was informed that because I wouldn't be dorming at the school like as planned (which my grandparents were planning on paying for), my grandparents were going to be giving me $1000 a month during my college studentship to pay for anything - loan payments, supplies, anything I needed for school!
So not only did I have an amazing time, but I came home to the most awesome family! Now if only this didn't come just once a year. lD
I'll try to get some pictures (and more stories as I remember them) up in here. Til then. :3