she can be annoying here -w- but in RL shes not ._.' double negative i guess she ish a prep or i call her a snep ( snob and a prep combined )
i call her damn kid or stupid kid or niece i don't like saying her name here cuz ppl are like...wat o.o?
ummm she ish an umbrass chicken -.- asking for golds and my friend Demon hates her XD its su funny XDDD
._. anyways that a diff story i guess umm ima try to take a pic with her but if im ready to take a pic then she's not ready and if she's ready to take a pic then im too lazy = . = su it never works out XD one day hopefully you can see us together in a pic =D. Oh yeah shes 11 -w- i hated her whe she was born cuz i wasn't loved very much cuz my mom had to take care of her and her sister, my sisiter (the one that had them she was always working -w- ) but now i loves her and get this i used to play dolls with her XD i has them in my closet still XD well im getting tired its like 11 @ . @ and i as to go to beds so ima put up a screen shot and that will be it

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oh well