anyways... he ish awesome and im glad i meet him ^^ in the VJ we was watching a Mario video XD it was funny the person playing was cussing and it was just yeah XD. another thing i like about this person is he was hella cool avis 0-0 he lucky too D: me and him like this one song Avenged Sevenfold: Afterlife X3 ( this song hella owns )
>.> and if i beg him to come to towns he will =D (sometimes -w- )
umm he says funny things XD ill put screen shots when im done writing
hmmm... i would i guess like to meet him one day in RL but like to say Hi and like walk away... XD but yeah he cool to talk to -w- but you have to talk to him for a while to get used to him like i had too, to be honset i was scared to talk to him = . = but i got over it =D and we talk about wierd things ._. ( i think everyone does ) 0w0 oh yeah one more thing if you see him having his Demonic Bow and ur a Grunny it nice knowing yah -w- he attacks grunnies..... i found out the hard way
0w0 and and and he hate hugs he says he allergic to them -w- i don't think he ish
0w0 and and and and he kisses and hugs trees 0.o it ish funny XD
=/ i feel bad for him cuz he can't do trades or use the market place ...
and ummmmmm i think i done here =D now screen shots

-w- ima stop their cuz i has too many pics and im trying to keep space limited so ima stop their
Community Member
idk him but he seems awesome.