Time started:: 8:06pm
Basic About you:
Name:: Kameron
Gender:: Male
Height:: 6'1"
Eye color:: Green/Blue
Hair Color:: Black w/ blonde
Age:: 18
Birthday:: January 18th
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:: ambidextrous
Piercings:: 7 of them.
Tatoos:: Nope
Zodiac Sign:: Capricorn
Ring Size:: I don't really know.
Grade:: I'm in College. ._.
More about you:
Are you named after anyone?: Yes
Do you live in the moment?: Yes
Do you consider yourself tolerent to others?: Yes
Do you have any secrets?: Lots.
Do you hate yourself?: Always
Do you like your handwriting?: I love my handwriting actually.
Do you have any bad habits?: Too many to keep track of.
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: Hell no.
Any regrets?: Too many
Do you think life has been good so far?: It's been a living hell.
Are you confident?: No.
How long does it take you to shower?: About an hour
What color is your room?: Purple and Green
Where do you want to attend college?: I'm in College right now...
Do you...?
Smoke?: No
Do drugs?: I've done it once. don't do it kids
Drink?: To dround out stupidity. Almost never.
Go to church?: Not religious what so ever
Sleep with stuffed animals?: Yes. I admit it.
Take walks in the rain?: I love the rain
Talk to people even if you hate them?: I do.
Drive?: Yes
Believe in premarital sex?: Yep.
Want to get married?: Hopefully
Want to go to college?: Already am in College.
Want to have children?: I can't. I'm gay.
Sing in the shower?: I sing showtunes.
Get along with you parents?: I wish I had parents.
Get along with your sibling/s?: I wish I still had my brother.
Color/highlight your hair?: Yeah.
Like coffee?: Can't have it. ******** up meds.
Wear makeup everytime you go out?: Yep.
Love roller coasters?: Hell Yes!
Like to cook?: Yep
Have you ever...?
Hurt yourself? : More ways than one.
Been out of the country?: Lived out of the country.
Been in love?: Haven't we all?
Done drugs?:Sadly, yes.
Gone skinny dipping?: Oooh bby.
Had surgery?: Yeah.
Played strip poker?: Mhmm. :3
Been on stage?: Yes
Pulled an all nighter?: Yes
Gone one day without food?: 4 days without food.
Slept all day?: Yes
Kissed a stranger?: All the time.
Had a dream that Yeah. Alot of times.
Stolen anything?: Water.
Been on radio/tv?: Yes
Been in a mosh-pit?: I broke my collarbone.
Bungee jumped?: I actually have.
Had a dream that kept coming back?: Yes
Gone out of state?: Yes
Live in other states?: Yes
Eaten an entire box of oreos?: Yes
Had a movie marathon?: Yes
Spun until you were immensely dizzy?: Yes
Been on a plane?: Yes
Ran into a wall?: Yes
Been rejected by a crush?: All the time.
Cried in public?: Yeah.
Cried over a movie?: Yes
Pranked called someone?: Always
Gotten a cavity?: No
Shopped at Abercrombie and Fitch?: All the time.
Broken a bone?: Too many
Fallen from a tree?: Yes
Passed out?: Yes
Been to a theme park?: Yes
Eaten sushi?: Ew.
This or That
Pepsi or Coke:: Coke
McDonalds or BUrger King:: EW.
Chocolate or Vanilla:: Vanilla
Black or White:: Both, actually.
Burgers or Hot dogs:: Vegetarian here.
Boxers or breifs:: Boxers.
Book or magazine:: Both
TV or radio:: Radio.
is the glass half empty or half full:: Half empty
sun or moon:: Moon.
hot or cold:: Cold.
romantic comedy or thriller::BOTH
waffles or pancakes:: Waffle
Florida or california:: Cali bby.
Black and white or color photos:: Black and White
The city, the beach, OR the country:: Country
Tennis shoes or sandals:: Shoes
Sweet or sour:: Sweet
Private or publie school:: Private
Cappuccino or coffee:: Can't
English or history:: History.
Science or math:: Science
Do you believe ...?
in miracles?: Yes
in magic?: No
in God?: Nope
in Satan?: Nope
in ghosts?: No
in luck?: Yes
in love at first sight?: Defineately
in Santa?: No.
in the Easter Bunny?:No
in witches?: No.
that it's possible to remain faithful forever?: Yes
in wishing on shooting stars?: I always wish for one.
that cussing is a necessity in life?: Yes.
yourself?: no, I don't.
Love and all that -
Do you consider love a mistake?: Not at all
If someone you had no interest in had interest in dating you how would you: I'd give them a chance.
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them?: Yes.
What is worst about the opposite sex?: Drama. God the drama.
Who and when was your first crush?: My friend Jeremy, in 9th grade.
First thing you notice about the opposite sex?: Hair
Right this moment...
What are you wearing?:Black jeans and a green shirt. White banadana and sunglasses.
What are you worried about?: Being alone.
What book are you reading?: The Hanging woods.
What time is it?: 8:21
Are you bored?: Yes
Are you tired?: No.
Are you talking to anyone online or on the phone?: Yes.
Are you lonely or content?: Mostly lonely.
Are you listening to music, if so then what?: PlayRadioPlay!
The Last...
Dream you had:: I don't dream anymore.
Nightmare:: Time you cried:: Last week.
Movie you watched:: Bambi
Movie you rented:: Funny Game
Book you read:: Breaking Dawn
Word you said:: ********.
Time you laughed:: Years ago.
Person to call you:: No one.
CD you played:: Want
I'm a pirate, you're a princess
annoyance:: Drama
IM sent or recieved:: Jeremy.
Time you yelled:: Two seconds ago
Person you yelled at:: Jeremy
time you were a skirt:: No comment.
time you fought with your parents::about 7 years ago.
Time you wished on a shooting star:: I don't wish anymore. Nothing happens.
Thing you ate:: Salad
Time you showered:: 5:50pm
Nail polish color worn: razz ink.
Your favorite:
Type of gum:: 5 gum.
Restaurant:: Any.
Season:: Winter
Type of weather:: Rainy
Emotion:: Sad.
Color:: Green
Perfume:: ...
Candy::Gummy bears.
Pizza topping:: Cheese
Fruit:: Strawberries
Veggie:: cucumber
Type of cake:: Ice cream cake.
Magazine:: AP
TV Show:: Powerpuff girls.
Day of the week:: Friday
Month:: December
Holiday:: Christmas.
Number:: 4
Sport to watch:: Soccer and Swimming
Flower:: Rose.
Time Finished:: 8:27PM
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