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The Chronicles of Kameron Capehart. Me. :]

Strawberry Duct Tape
Community Member
My life, inside and out: A little bit about me. :]
Name: Kameron Capehart.
Date of Birth: January 18 1990.
Birthplace: London, England.
Current Location: Bend, Oregon. Ew.
Eye Color: Blue/Green.
Hair Color: Black. For now.
Height: 6'1. o.o
Heritage: Too many. I'm a mutt.
Piercings: I have 6 on my left ear, 2 on my right. Nose, lip, and snakebites. I don't wear them all at the same time though.
Tattoos: Nope
Band/Singer: Uh too many to list. D
Song: I'm not your boyfriend baby! :
Movie: Uh, The Covenant. Steven Strait, is pure mmm.
Disney Movie: Bambi. For shore.
TV show: Un, Scrubs and music countdowns.
Color: Green and Purple.
Food: Strawberries. : D
Pizza topping: Cheese?
Ice-Cream Flavor: Strawberry and Cookie Do
Drink (alcoholic): Haha. Um..I'd have to say Vodka. But don't drink it kids. It ******** you up. : D
Soda: Dr.Pepper and Coke.
Store: TONS
Clothing Brand: LOADS AND TONS.
Shoe Brand: Vans and Converse, all the way
Season: Winter. I like to be cold.
Month: December. Brrr.
Holiday/Festival: Christmas. And Valentines Day.
Flower: Rose and Sunflower.
Make-Up Item: Eyeliner. Duh.
Board game: Monopoly. Just kidding. That game is too ******** long for me. I think I like it? Maybe.

This or That
Sunny or rainy: Rainy. I like to sit in the rain.
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla.
Fruit or veggie: Fruit.
Night or day: Night. I'm nocturnal.
Sour or sweet: Both. >.
Love or money: Love. f**k materialistic bastards.
Phone or in person: In person.
Looks or personality: Both, but more towards the Personality. Good looks is just a bonus.
Coffee or tea: Tea. I'm not allowed to have coffee. x D
Hot or cold: Cold.

Goal for this year: To stay alive, and stop hurting myself and the people whom I love.
Most missed memory: My parents.
Best physical feature: People tell me my eyes. I don't really know.
First thought waking up: Damn. Not again.
Hypothetical personality disorder: Uh, .....
Preferred type of plastic surgery: I don't want it, nor need it. Haha, just kidding, I am so not conceited.
Sesame street alter ego: ....
Fairytale alter ego: ....
Most stupid remark: Oh Shnap.
Worst crime: I once stold a water. I was really thirsty.
Greatest ambition: To live. Just kidding. To pursue my passion for the arts, and to finally get back with my dog sled team.
Greatest fear: The Dark. And Spiders, and germs. D :
Darkest secret: Not telling you. : ]
Favorite subject: Art, and Science.
Strangest received gift: A used condom. It was really weird.
Worst habit: scratching to the point of making myself bleed. And shaking. I shake apparently.

Do You:
Smoke: Nope. Ew. Disgusting.
Drink: Yeah, but I don't mean to
Curse: f**k no. : D
Shower daily: Yes. Shouldn't we all?
Like thunderstorms: I love them. They make me feel happy, when I'm sad. Then they just make me sad. But it is totally a good sad.
Dance in the rain: Yes.
Sing: Uh, erm......Yeah, I do.
I am in a band. Ima nerd.
Play an instrument: Yes, Guitar/drums/violin/piano/saxophone. I have alot of spare time.
Get along with your parents: I wish. I wish I had the chance to get along with them
Wish on stars: No, they never come true anymore.
Believe in fate: Yes.
Believe in love at first sight: Yes, I actually do.

Can You:
Drive: Yep.
Sew: Um, no. I should try that!
Cook: Yep. It turns out pretty okay too.
Speak another language: Yep, German and Italian.
Dance: Yeah. I love to dance.
Sing: Yeah.
Touch your nose with your tongue: Yep.
Whistle: Loud too.
Curl your tongue: Yeah.

Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: Sadly, yes.
Been Stoned/High: Sadly yes, don't try it.
Eaten Sushi: Ew.
Been in Love: Haven't we all?
Skipped school: Yeah. Once, but I kind of got in a car accident, so it was okay
Made prank calls: All the time.
Sent someone a love letter: Yeah, but it got torn up. ._.
Stolen something: Yeah. Water. It was stupid.
Cried yourself to sleep: All the time. More frequently than you think.

Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? Lieing, backstabbing, cheating. The list goes on.
Are you right or left handed? Both. I am ambydexrious. (I can't spell that.)
What is your bedtime? Never.
Name three things you can't live without: Someone to tell me they love me, my dogs, and my friends.
What is the color of your room? Black and lime green with some purple and pink. I'm so gay.
Do you have any siblings? I did have a sibling.
Do you have any pets? Yes, 15 Huskies, 4 Malamutes.
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? No.
What is you middle name? Vladimir. And I was born in England...Weird.
What are you nicknames? Kam, KamKam. And Kammy. D : Aiden (By Piercing Sodomy)
Are you for or against gay marriage? FOR. Duh.
What are your thoughts on abortion? No comment.
Do you have a crush on anyone? I love my boyfriend, Travis. <3
Are you afraid of the dark? Deathly.
How do you want to die? Not a subject I want to touch bases with.
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? An 8 pack of lime-sicles.
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? I would, and I intend too if necessary.
What is the last law you've broken? Trespassing, but everyone does that.

In a Member of the Same Sex:
Hair color: Any. Preferably Red/Black. (Natrual hair color is red)
Eye color: Any. As long as they make me feel hypnotized.
Height: I don't think anyone can get taller than I am. And if you are, you are a superhumanfreak.
Weight: Not so much on the chubby-side, but you are all idiots if weight matters alot to you.
Most important physical feature: Their heart. It is Physical, right?
Biggest turn-off: Smokers, and idiots.

User Comments: [3]
Strawberry Duct Tape
Community Member

Tue Jul 22, 2008 @ 03:31am

Fan: Holy shiz Kameron, you're a god.
Kameron: I know, and there is enough of me to go around.
Fan: Can I have your babies?
Kameron: Sorry, I'm not giving out services today.
Kameron: Besides, I only give my love out to the person I love, and he knows who he is. Sorry, I'm kind of unattainable at the moment, but he doesn't know it yet. :3

inanimate objects
Community Member

Wed Jul 23, 2008 @ 01:56am

so i pretty much know more about you lol.
because i knew nothing about you. ^-^
i should do one lol. because then i wouldnt have to explain myself.
because well..... im weird (:

i wanna see your peircings btw.

x CEO x
Community Member

Fri Jul 25, 2008 @ 01:58am

;O OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!
I knows alot more about choo now MHM
-Hugs tight- <33333333333333333333333



User Comments: [3]
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