I seriously wish people would just shut up. I hate when this happens. I know I shouldn't have done it, but I stilld on't feel like ti's m,y fault. I don't want people to feel sorry for me. That's the exact opposite of what I want people to do. I don't need people's sympathy. I can get taht from myself. Stop leaving me messsges calli9ng me stuff and saying stuff when you don't know what your talking about. You dobn't know me so I wish you would stop leaving messages about me. I'm not conceited, I don't talk about myself a lot. I don't need your drama in my life. I am not jealous of that girl, Bobbi. Once I was but I'm not anymore because no matter how bad igt may get, I'm happy with what I have. I dont' care what you say about me. It doesn't matter what I am or waht I look like as long as someone loves me. That someone or something is God. I know he will always love me, so get out of my journal leaving me messages abut dumb stuff trying to start something. Now you made me mad and you don't like me when I'm mad. Go somewhere and stay away from me. I don't know you and you don't know me. I haven't made a single judgement about you because I dont' do that until I auctually meet the person. I don't know who you are or what you like. Don't judge me. One moment your all like wanna be friends, i think your a really cool person. The next moment your saying, your evil, your jealous of Bobbi, and you conceited. I am not conceited. I'm not evil. And I AM NOT JEALOUS OF Bobbi. I never will be. I'm done with that. And I told you he never liked me. I told you he was playing me and I have the text messages to prove it. YOou never saw them so how can I show them to you all I want too. Shut up! Just shut up! Damn it! I seriously hate when people bring up stuff from the past. Leave me the hell alone! Damn! And you weren't even theres o keep your mouth shut and stay in yhour own business!3
Your very angry, and pissed off, Gemini, Natalia
Midnight Magdeline · Tue Jul 22, 2008 @ 09:30pm · 1 Comments |