Chacrecter 2
Gender: Male
Age: no one really knows but well over 1000 years
Name: Gregor Godspear
Eye color: Grey
Hair color: Black
Description: Gregor is the son of a pristess of Zeus and a lightning elemental. He was conseived in a temple of Zeus in Greece and his family was cursed by Zeus because of it. His parents fled to the far north in an atempt to avoid the curse but failed. His mother died during his birth and he was born with a spirti of chaos inside of him that he fights against almost constantly. After Gregor was grown his father went insane and Gregor was forced to destroy him. After a long time wandering, atempting to find a purpose. He was given one by the god Odin who brought him to Vallhala and gave him the job of guarding the relics of the gods untill such a time as the people of the world were worhty of them. As long as Gregor was in the sevice of Odin the chaos inside of him could not come forth, so he did his job to the best of his abilitys for hundreds of years. Then one day the vaults began to open and Gregor's job drew to an close...
((this charecter is being used on Gaia in a rp thread by me...I just thought I should put his past down))
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