THE WASTED WORLD] ((this is the world were a lot of my stuff will be sets history or at least part of it, most of it hasn't been uncovered yet and lies hidding in the ruins and under the ash and sand))
Long ago this world was a great forest with only two great cities rising above the tree tops. These two cities hated each other and fought a constant war against each other. After many years of fighting the gods themselves grew disgusted with the brutality of their creations and turned from the world in. Some of the gods stayed on the world in hiding waiting for a time when the war would end so that they could find the other gods and bring them back and so the war continued without any holy interference, each side growing stronger and stronger.
The northernmost city focused all of it's time and reasorces on magic while the southern city focused on technology. It came to the point were the southern city was about to overun the northern city and the northern city's leaders decided it was time to use their ultimate wepon.
So the northern city created an amulet with the power to destroy their enemy and their greatest mage climbed to the top of the city's central spire overlooking the battle and unleashed the amulet's power. Unfortunatly the power unleashed awoke a mind within the amulet, a mind bent on destruction, the amulet took control of it's user and drained him of power in order to fuel itself and using that power it wiped out the entire forest leaving behind a vast desert of ashes. Most of the people were incinerated but some were resistant to the magic and survived. They spread out across the continent making small settlements and avoiding the new creatures that evolved to survive in the desert of ashes. The people of the north remained dedicated to magic and formed tribes based in the elements of water, fire, earth and wind. The people of the south took what technology they could and ran from the ruins of their city to make small towns.
Over time the people changed the people of the south became more reliant on technology than before to the point were every member of society carried a gun and had electricity in there homes, powered by the desert winds. The people from the north evolved into Sandstriders, who looked human but had a natural control of a certain element depending upon their tribe and with bodys designed for fast movement they could outrun most other desert creatures.
Then after hundreds of years, in the northern ruins something stired. The amulet was about to awaken once again. The gods who had remained were awkened by it' rumblings and decided to stop it. Each of the remaning gods picked a champion who wuld fight the darkness of the amulet. The humans would not know of their fate until long after events that would shake the world were set into motion.
((I know not very good right...probably because it is to planned out oh well I will try to do better next time...leave comments please!!))
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