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Happy Happy and I don't know why? Usually.:)
Just my ranting and raving.
this isn't mine i stole it. apoole wrote it.

I've been working on this for awhile. I've made up a few, but most of these have come from other people and i've just put them all on one thing. Feel free to add more!

You know you're a WWE wrestling fan if....

you can understand not only Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair interviews, but Perry Saturn's as well.
you argue over which is best, Raw, Smackdown, or ECW.
....and actually care.
you try to raise your eyebrow like The Rock.
you've bought a WWE(F) cookbook and actually cooked soemthign from it.
you have ever called in sick to go to a rasslin' match.
whenever you hear some good news you respond with "HELL YEAH!"
you start every sentence with, "The Rock says this..."
you can name more than 10 wrestlers and sing their theme songs.
you think everyone holding up "John 3:16" signs ripped off "Stold Cold Steve Austin."
you check 3 different wrestling newsboards at least 5 times a day just to see if any new rumors have been released.
you answer every question with "cause Stone Cold said so!"
everytime someone tries to speak you yell WHAT?
when you go to someones house you say FINALLY I HAVE COME BACK TO so and so's HOUSE!!!
somone bumps into u and u sell the bump and go flying.
someone wants to shake your hand and you do the Ric Flair gesture (going through your hair , instead of shaking his hand)
the doctor tells you you need a triple bypass operation and you delay it till after the p.p.v.
you're in the middle of a brawl and you're looking for the spanish announce-table
you refer to yourself if 3rd person like Carlito or The Rock.
you know where 'slobber knocker' and 'stoppin a mud hole and walking it dry' comes from.
you hear the Oklahoma Fight Song and expect to see JR somewhere
you think amatuer wrestlers suck because they dont know how to sell
you get choked up watching the Andre the Giant A&E Biography
you defended the XFL to critics who panned it before it even got started.
you still stick up for the XFL even though it folded
you're a diehard WWE fan, hated WCW, but wish the Monday night wars still existed, even though you wished WCW was extinct back then.
you see a movie with David Arquette advertised, but all you can remember about him is that Vince Russo once did an angle that made him WCW champion.
you see a 2X4 and it makes you think of Hacksaw Jim Duggan.
the only reason why you watched the "Princess Bride" was because Andre the Giant was in it.
you have not seen Monday Night Football since RAW's debut in 1993.
you knew who Jesse Ventura was before he became an elected official.
when everytime someone says John F. Kennedy's name, you say "Kennedy" again after a few second pause.
in a fight you want to use steel chairs.
you spit water like HHH.
you get upset with your science teacher for not mentioning Triple H, Ric Flair, Randy Orton, or Batista when discussing Evolution.
at graduation you do the Vince McMahon 'power walk'
you expect to hear a 10 bell salute at every funeral you go to.
you end every sentence with..Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you see someone with a folder of the "WWF" Wildlife logo, and begin reminicing.
you protest the World Wildlife Foundation for stealing WWF.
you know that Donald Trump was not the first to coin 'You're fired'
you see a white limo and instantly think of JBL.
you can name more former WWE champions than former leaders of your own country.
every time you walk into a room, you do the Randy Orton pose.
you see a car accident, you stop and start chanting "ECW, ECW, ECW!"
you demand that your college professer grade you on your workrate, the PPV buyrate, and the pop you recieve when you walk into class.
every time you see an Elvis Impersonator, you ask for their autograph and get upset when it's not signed "Honkey Tonk Man".

your favorite superhero is not Superman, or Batman, but MICK FOLEY.
you think Monday should be renamed to "Leave me the Hell alone so I can watch Wrestling day".
you have your very own Bash and Brawl Buddy.
you know real men wear kilts.
you refer to your big screen TV as your TELE-TRON.
you go to a Japanese restaurant, you start a "USA! USA!" chant.
you attend a graduation, and yell "Ooooooh yeah!" when 'Pomp and Circumstance' plays.
you do heel turns on your best friends for no reason
you go to a funeral and assume that the deceased just lost a Casket Match
in your resume under experience you write "I'm the best there is the best there was and the best there ever will be"
you see an American flag, and immediately cross your eyes, stick your tongueout, give a big thumbs up and yell, "HOOOOOO!!! Tough guy!"
you're not embaressed anymore to go into a store and rent a wrestling video.
Can you remember the last time you didn't watch wrestling on Monday night?
you constantly check the websites for WWE events coming to your area.
you go to IHOP to see if Dusty Rhodes is in the pancake eating hall of fame.
you understand what 'heels' 'babyfaces' 'house shows' and all the other lingo mean
you go to a bingo hall and chant ecw ecw ecw or bingo just for the hell of it
you know more about wrestlers than your own family.
you got a job just to buy wrestling tickets.
you get angry when the storylines on the tv shows don't follow the ones you have been making up with your action figures.
you are watching the USA channel and stop everythign you are doing to see the commercial for Monday Night Raw.
you know when a wrestler has missed his mark.
you can reenact the wrestlers finisher.
you've thought up your own character, finishers, and storylines for "when you make it into the business."
You can relate to everyone of these statements.

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