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journaly thingy

Community Member
Survey Time! Hyuu~
1)******AM I******
Am I sweet?-
Am I crazy?-
Am I lovable?-
Am I funny?-
Am I ugly?-
Am I psycho?-
Am I annoying?-
Am I a good person?-
Am I handsome?-
Am I cool?-

2)******Would You******
Miss me if I was gone?-
Listen to my problems?-
Hug me if I cried?-
Be a good friend?-
Kiss me if I asked you to?-
Hug me if I asked you to?-

3)******If You Could...******
Give me a new name, what would it be?-
Hook me up with someone who would it be? (Not a celeb.) -
Hook me up with a celeb who would it be?-
Do one thing with me, what would it be?-
Drop me one piece of advice, what would it be?-
Make out with me, would you?

4)******Just A Few Questions******
What do you like about me?-
What do you hate about me?-
What is my best quality?-

Who are you?-
Are we good friends?-
Do we know each other in real life?-
Is my avatar awesome?-
What's your favorite kind of music?-
Will you put this in your journal so I can answer these questions about you!?-

Fan. [/align:55f8c50d73][/color:55f8c50d73]

User Comments: [3]
Sky Eats Airplaine
Community Member

Wed Jul 23, 2008 @ 09:37am

1)******AM I******
Am I sweet?- Very! <3
Am I crazy?- In the Greatest of Ways.
Am I lovable?- Totally. <33
Am I funny?- Yes. xDD
Am I ugly?- No! D:<
Am I psycho?- Nope. C:
Am I annoying?- No! D:
Am I a good person?- A Very Good Person.
Am I handsome?- You're a Girl... xDD If You Were a Guy, I Guess.
Am I cool?- Yupp! :]

2)******Would You******
Miss me if I was gone?- Tons. D: I Miss You Right Now, You're Barely On. D:
Listen to my problems?- Of Course', if You Feel Like Sharing.
Hug me if I cried?- Of Course'.
Be a good friend?- I Hope I Am...
Kiss me if I asked you to?- Awwwwkward. xDD
Hug me if I asked you to?- Yes! 8D

3)******If You Could...******
Give me a new name, what would it be?- ...Marche. <3
Hook me up with someone who would it be? (Not a celeb.) - Uh...I Dunno', Whoever You Like I Guess.
Hook me up with a celeb who would it be?- Johnny Depp...? xD
Do one thing with me, what would it be?- Play Harvest Moon. o3o
Drop me one piece of advice, what would it be?- I No Good With Advice...
Make out with me, would you?- Uhm, No...Sorry.... O.o"

4)******Just A Few Questions******
What do you like about me?- You're Sweet, Knind, Funny, Etc
What do you hate about me?- Nothing to Hate.
What is my best quality?- You Have the Kindest Heart. <33

Who are you?- Salem O:
Are we good friends?- I Think So. <33?
Do we know each other in real life?- I Wish...
Is my avatar awesome?- Yes. +w+
What's your favorite kind of music?- It Varies.
Will you put this in your journal so I can answer these questions about you!?- Maybe, I Dunno'. 8D

Community Member

Sun Oct 19, 2008 @ 09:44pm

1)******AM I******
Am I sweet?- yes
Am I crazy?- yes
Am I lovable?- yes
Am I funny?- yes
Am I ugly?- NO
Am I psycho?- in a good way
Am I annoying?- NO
Am I a good person?- very. You're a great listener.
Am I handsome?- If you were a dude, sure
Am I cool?- yes

2)******Would You******
Miss me if I was gone?- All the time
Listen to my problems?- Of course. I make you listen to mine all the time. It's only fair.
Hug me if I cried?- Yes
Be a good friend?- I hope I would
Kiss me if I asked you to?- Yes
Hug me if I asked you to?- yes

3)******If You Could...******
Give me a new name, what would it be?- Alexa
Hook me up with someone who would it be? (Not a celeb.) - Hm....No clue
Hook me up with a celeb who would it be?- David Draiman
Do one thing with me, what would it be?- Go to a freakin' zoo! xd
Drop me one piece of advice, what would it be?- Be yourself. Who gives a ******** what others say?
Make out with me, would you? Um....Let's take things slowly, please.

4)******Just A Few Questions******
What do you like about me?- Pretty much everything. You're not like other girls. You actually like blood and violence and...stuff. confused
What do you hate about me?- The fact that we live in different states....
What is my best quality?- Your ability to listen and the fact that you WANT to listen. You always put others before yourself.

Who are you?- Edward (iRiddler)
Are we good friends?- I hope...
Do we know each other in real life?- NO.
Is my avatar awesome?- Hell yeah!
What's your favorite kind of music?- Hard rock
Will you put this in your journal so I can answer these questions about you!?- Suuuuure.

Community Member

Fri Oct 02, 2009 @ 06:50pm

1)******AM I******
Am I sweet?- Not to a huge extreme... but yeah razz smile
Am I crazy?- depends on the kind of crazy you mean (good crazy yes)
Am I lovable?- i'd say yeah... but you've never really talked to me that much (seems like you just put up with me because i liked Cassie and Esther (i had crush on Esther and still have one on Cassie (too bad she has a girlfriend sad ))
Am I funny?- yes biggrin
Am I ugly?- NO! >=-(
Am I psycho?- mmmmmmm... i'm leaning towards no razz (funny voice)
Am I annoying?- nope biggrin
Am I a good person?- yes biggrin
Am I handsome?- handsome is for males... you'd fall more into the beautiful category razz
Am I cool?- yes... and you may also have a lower than normal body temperature... making you literally cool

2)******Would You******
Miss me if I was gone?- yes sad
Listen to my problems?- if you would talk to me wink
Hug me if I cried?- i don't know... i don't like hugging... i'd probably try and do something else (like find a way to end the crying and stop it... even if it meant beating myself up) razz
Be a good friend?- yes smile if you would be mine razz
Kiss me if I asked you to?- ......... that would be all up to you and if you were serious or not razz
Hug me if I asked you to?- i don't see why not

3)******If You Could...******
Give me a new name, what would it be?- don't know...i like Autumn... it's a pretty name wink
Hook me up with someone who would it be? (Not a celeb.) - Cassie (can't think of anybody i know you would like razz
Hook me up with a celeb who would it be?- that one guy you like and always talk about
Do one thing with me, what would it be?- depends on a number of factors
Drop me one piece of advice, what would it be?- i don't know... i have little advice i can give people
Make out with me, would you? O.o ... maybe razz if i knew Esther, Cassie and your bf wouldn't kill me

4)******Just A Few Questions******
What do you like about me?- you're nice biggrin
What do you hate about me?- ... can't think of something... most it is is you don't talk to me much anymore sad
What is my best quality?- what is a quality (honestly don't know)

Who are you?- Robert Galvin
Are we good friends?- no sad (we were... wish we still were...)
Do we know each other in real life?- yep (sort of... stopped talking so we more of "know of" each other than "know" each other
Is my avatar awesome?- yes biggrin
What's your favorite kind of music?- foreign
Will you put this in your journal so I can answer these questions about you!?- i don't think you would... but i would if i knew you would answer it razz

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