eek I've got a lot of entries. How many does this make...? Please don't answer that.
xd Anywho...This entry will mainly be used for avis of characters I've made up, even if they're for original ideas I have or not. I will also explain them a little to, so I don't leave you in the fog.
surprised Amy, Princess of Keely Kingdom (my Mario Character)

Actually, to tell truth, I haven't gotten a single idea about her figured out. Well, I used to, but I kind of forgotten by now...
sweatdrop Nel Legretti (My Tales of the Abyss Charrie)

Nel is a replica, her original being a girl by the name of Melody (who I'll get up soon), she's not very outgoing, so she's rather shy, especially about males. She also has a hard time standing up for herself, but she's been told she's a lot like the Fon Master. She hates it when people are mistreated and the people she's stood up for so far are Luke, Dist, and a yound boy named Nika.
Marina (Trinity Blood character)

Hm...So-chan should know who this is!
mrgreen She is a member of the AX organization of the Vatican in Rome, and she lives during the age when Vampires (Methusala) and humans (Terran) fight for dominance. She herself is a Methusala, or Vampire in plain terms, and is in love with a robot named Tres Iqus (HC-IIIX), who was constructed to serve Cardinal Caterina Sforza.
Nika (coming soon)
Melody (coming soon)
Keemi (Coming soon)
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