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View User's Journal

The Universal Rune
Rune's journal - mostly used for rants, worklists and the like.
Better Now
Lol, I've had a recent spell of writing and drawing, so I feel much better. Remembered November was National Writers' Month, started doing a story on that - then ended up making a bunch of different Konokai and weapons and plushies. *snicker* I've also discovered it's almost impossible to combine a sllyably (a syllable-based language) with an alphabetic script (i.e., the American alphabet). Unfortunately, since the Kitsuni language in the Saga RP is a mix of Japanese (syllably) and Common Illuzen (Alphabetic) that's exactly what I'm trying to do. xd Go stupidity!

On a much happier note, I'm about finished with the Konokai shop, which means it'll re-open with a whole new layout! And journals, and languages, and flatsales. Hee hee, gifties for everyone!!!

Can you tell I'm babbling? xd blaugh xd

Anyway, thanks Kor, Keiko - much hugglez for you two, and everybody else who put up with my complaints. *grins* On to banners!!!

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