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The Universal Rune
Rune's journal - mostly used for rants, worklists and the like.
This week bites
*growls* Real life just sucks right now, so I'm irritated and depressed. Parents won't stop arguing (over the DUMBEST things, mind you), I can't have more than five minutes to myself or on the computer at any given point in time, and nobody seems to give a rats about anything I'd like. Or wouldn't like, for that matter. I've discovered I'm basically invisible save for when someone wants something done in the house, or something HASN'T been done around the house. Trying to talk to anybody about my stuff is a joke, and everyone is more stressed than me. And my birthday's in two weeks, but my Dad's leaving for a work-related thing and nobody seems to care about that, either. Add in writer's block and the fact that I hate everything I manage to draw, and I'm just peachy.

*grump* Okay, that's it. No more whining for Rune. domokun xp blaugh

User Comments: [2] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Nov 02, 2004 @ 01:34am
Ohh... *hugs Rune* I hope things get better soon!

commentCommented on: Tue Nov 02, 2004 @ 03:22am
Keep your chin up, Rune! *huggle*

Kirea Mitsu
Community Member
User Comments: [2] [add]
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