No one hold anything that I say against me or I'll come through the computer and harrass you...
I've been living on my own since the 29th and all this crap keeps happening. I have testing and today the AP GOV Politics test was 3 hrs long. My sister lied to me, yet again, and hasn't even called. She's been this way only caring about herself and using me to make her feel better. I'm in a crappy mood, and honestly used to being used by others because I'm a freak. And I made a really good dinner that would have made the five star restaurants weep with no one to share it with. I'm a sadomasichist and enjoy a good fight ever so often, AND my jokes suck! When I say SUCK I mean 'can't-save-my-life-or-earn-a-penny-unless-its-to-make-me-shut-up' suck. I also deal heavily in dry humor so people have misconceptions about me and get pissed. No one can tell when I'm lying or not because I'm a sociopath and I wished that there were people that could say that I don't have some kind a schizophrenia but what's really going on is real. Yeah, I bet you're depressed, or think I'm whining or crap like that, but hey, I thought this was the b***h about it page.
bluevibes · Tue May 06, 2008 @ 05:49am · 1 Comments |