I feel really cold right now; my fingers blue; my toes numb. I'm shivering, but not from the frost that formed inside my window, nor from the floor that melds to my feet. I feel empty and alone, for I am. I feel forgotten and mistaken, for I have been. I didn't think that this would happen again; that my own little place has been compromised once more. I wonder at whether I should stop coming now, knowing that I'm not actually safe anywhere. There are still people here who are and like those people outside my window. And those inside as well. I'm alone, and revel in it. Yet I'm alone, and forsaken it. My dilemma is never seeming to be safe from pain anywhere I go.
I want a haven. Somewhere that I won't get hurt anymore.
bluevibes · Sun May 04, 2008 @ 05:30am · 0 Comments |