It's the little things... |
That always keep us down.
There was a point in time, where big, popular regulars, who see themselves as a gift to the masses, would partake in an act of sheer bravery and guts. They would "go slumming". Visiting other, less respected forums, and post inconsequential nonsense, merely as an act of bravado and glory. This would be their call, their way of letting the general masses touch them, see them, beg for their gleaming sweat and golden urine of life. Then, after travelling abroad, they would quickly run back to their home forums, to once again be revered and loved by all. Back to their thrones of power.
Notice how this doesn't happen anymore?
Gaia has grown too large for these once lauded and beloved users to maintain their image outside of their select forums.
Anyone who has acheived a modicum of popularity on Gaia has done this. Even, although some may refuse to believe, some moderators. I would name names, but I prefer letting the guilty look at themselves long and hard, as opposed to them getting caught up in defensiveness.
Now, moderating is a hard job. I won't s**t you on this. It does nothing but discredit me to lie to you. Moderating is ******** hard. Especially when people you respect are called into question. It's a nearly thankless, painful, antagonistic existence. It wears you down, like sandpaper on your soul. It causes you to do things and say things you don't want to.
I'm going to be blunt here. This may very well lead to me not being able to moderate anymore. This may prevent me from becoming a moderator again. I don't care. The truth, at any cost.
Yes, you get power. Big ******** s**t. Let me clue you into a harsh fact. People with power lie to you. People with power abuse you. People with power abuse their power. Peope with power do not respect you.
Of course, you never gave them any good reason to respect you, now did you? You created forums on Gaia where people are abused degraded, and morally raped. You turned the personals, a place for finding friends and companions, into the largest cesspool in Gaia history. You made it a s**t-factory, churning out nothing but cybersex solicitations and pornography sales. You made chatterbox the most loathed forum on Gaia for many of the same reasons. Now, it's turning GD into a rampant ********, with perversions as far as the eye can see.
That's a quick snippet of what I saw on the first page of GD with 2 refreshes.
Late at night, with less people on.
That's what chatterbox used to look like.
These are the slums of Gaia. Thousands of people, millions of threads, tens of millions of posts.
Now, you're saying to yourself; "But, we already know this, Twistex.. Tell us something new you lazy ********."
Okay, you want new? Who's to blame for all this? Why do certain parts of Gaia systematically decay and degenerate? Are the mods not doing their jobs? Are users not reporting this? Why do we let this s**t slide by?
There are many answers to these questions, kiddo. I've got a few that msot people don't.
This happens because ******** ignorant bastards see gaia as their personal semen receptacle. The masturbate all over their goddamn keyboards, and then dump this bile, this filth, this waste, these boils of putrid pus all over GD, Chatterbox, ED, C&T, Barton town, anywhere their mouse cursor lands.
But you already know this.
In the next couple of entries, I'm going to go into this a little further, and take you down these back alleys and sidestreets of Gaia. You're going to see all the nasty, ******** s**t you never wanted to see, and didn't know was out there. If I'm going to be internet popular, internet sexy, I might as well use it to show you exactly what kind of game you're playing.
So, hold on, because I'm going to take you slumming.
Twistex · Tue Aug 09, 2005 @ 09:09am · 7 Comments |