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Harry Potter..and what really happened.
Voldermort turns out to be Frodo AND Sam from LOTR, who are really Draco and Fred..and maybe Ron who loves Harry madly, but decides to rape his own long lost sister Cho Chang who makesout Hermoine in a striper club where Snape goes everyday in his specail red boots along with Flich who is Mrs. Weasleys brother who is Draco's dad. O_O
Draco dyes his head purple in hope of making Voldy more pleased with him, and in the end , ends up humping Dumbuldoors green cofffin, after Harry, Neville, Luna (who drows her self in Koolaid), and some anonymous individual. Hagrid violates Proffesor McGonalld who locks her self in a closet with 10,000 Death Eaters who sadly all fart and die from the smell..and then Draco takes all the bodies and uses them for his own pleasure..and while all that is happening Harry is getting it on with Peeves the ghost in Hermonies hair which turn to a werid shade of blue and Ron opens the chamber of seacrets in hopes of finding his true love, the Big snakethingy, but only finds a dog and decicdes to hump it for rest of his life. Mr. Weasley marries a dementor who is really Lucious in desgused who stabs Sirus to death with a fork on the lovely dinner on a yatch on which HArry tried operating on his scar but accidentally damages his brain and thinks is a Jessica Simpson..whom has 10 baby's and goes to dance in her red boots, which are acctually Snape's if you follwed the whole story. biggrin Lily and James sit in heaven, or hell, with Red Bull's in their hands with their jaw's dropped. eek

Oh I just heart this book! twisted
(okay, *giggles* I admit i have issues scream !! But I was bored and just had to type!!!...about HArry Pooter of course xd !!!!!!!!!! heart heart heart heart heart heart

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commentCommented on: Sat Aug 06, 2005 @ 01:29am
Did you finish the book yet?

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