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HA-HA, stupid cat!
Well yesterday my friend bought this movie and I watched it. It was boonbank saints...or something along those lines, well it doesn't matter. There was this one really funny part..and sad in a way too. These three guys were talking and were drunk and stuff and were sitting on the table and there were a bunch of guns on the table. Also on the table was a cat. This one guy was blahblahing and then he slammed his fists on the table accidentally hitting a gun and setting it off. Well remember the cat? It got shot and flew to the wall and splattered and there was blood everywhere. All three guys jumped up and were cussing and this one guy was like "Is it dead?"..and he had an Irish accent so it was even funnier. rofl rofl rofl rofl
I was cracking up so hard my stomach hurt, but the cat was dead, so that's the sad part. rofl rofl rofl rofl

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