hi my name is raven(not true) and every one hates me because im emo! i really dont think its fare people make fun of me or put me down. i dont lessen of course but still my life is so pointless write now and my heart is dead!!! there is no one to hea
I don't know why I try any more. People just..don't care I think. I don't want to try any more. All I want to do is give up. Today, I talked to someone that likes to hurt me alot...I can't stand it any more. I do not even know why I am her friend.
Hi. I found your journal by skimming the recent posts header on the journal main page. I hope you don't mind.
Your remarks struck a chord with me. I've spent pleny of hours worrying about relationships and suffering under what I believe, with very little information, are similar circumstances.
Take heart. Situations often change. I no longer associate with anyone who is what I consider a negative energy drain. These people require more energy and work than they can possibly ever provide to you in return. They are like scales that eternally tip in one direction.
You can change your future. You are suffering now. If you bite the bullet and tough it out (not going back for more, ever) you can hope for a lifelong change in your social landscape. I believe we teach people how to treat us by what we tolerate.
Surround yourself with people who positively contribute to your life. To keep these kinds of people, try to be someone similar for them. Try to turn your thinking around to ask, what is the good or happy side of (insert scenario here). People who think the best often get the best.
I want to leave you with a quote by Winston Churchill. He was giving an address at a boarding school. He spoke of indomitable spirit, persistence, and hope:
Another lesson I think we may take, just throwing our minds back to our meeting here ten months ago and now, is that appearances are often very deceptive, and as Kipling well says, we must "...meet with Triumph and Disaster. And treat those two impostors just the same."
You cannot tell from appearances how things will go. Sometimes imagination makes things out far worse than they are; yet without imagination not much can be done. Those people who are imaginative see many more dangers than perhaps exist; certainly many more than will happen; but then they must also pray to be given that extra courage to carry this far-reaching imagination.
Closing remarks But for everyone, surely, what we have gone through in this period--I am addressing myself to the School--surely from this period of ten months, this is the lesson:
Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never--in nothing, great or small, large or petty--never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.
Good luck!
salliama · Community Member · Thu Feb 21, 2008 @ 02:12am