Dear VJournal,
Ok, I was totaly wrong. I don'l love him. It was only a little crush. I love someone else. Of corse I will love Jonathan..but I love someone else. I don't think I will be able to keep my promise to Evan. I hate breaking promises, but the hardest thing is to hurt him buy breaking the promise. Erg, I hate promises. My mom took me to the docters last week. He said to take some pills and if it doesn't work to take me and they would have to tests on me and if the docter can't see whats wrong, he will have to do surgary. Well I still feel I read this book. And the reason that I love the book so much, is because of the love the two charictors have for each other. I want that type of love. But its not real. And that what hurts. I can't read the book no more because my heart feels like its on fire, that its going to explode. The pain is just to much, so I have to stop. My mom says its all in my head, but I think other wise.
Vampire_emo_polka_dotts · Wed Jan 23, 2008 @ 11:18pm · 1 Comments |